Full TGIF Record # 219170
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Manuscript
Monographic Author(s):Murphy, J.; Honig, J.; Meyer, W.; Clarke, B.
Author Affiliation:Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Cook College, New Brunswick, NJ
Monograph Title:Cultivar and Traffic Effects on Population Dynamics of Agrostis spp. and Poa annua Mixtures: 1998 Progress Report to the United States Golf Association, 1998.
Publishing Information:New Brunswick, New Jersey: Cook College, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
# of Pages:12
Collation:12 pp.
Abstract/Contents:"Over the past decade, there has been a concerted effort by turfgrass breeders to develop improved cultivars of creeping and velvet bentgrasses that are denser, finer, more aggressive, more stress tolerant, and are more competitive than older industry standards. This affords the opportunity to take advantage of the genetic improvements in competitive ability of these bentgrasses in an annual bluegrass control program. The goals of this research project are to identify bentgrass cultivars that exhibit an improved genetic competitive ability against annual bluegrass invasion under the influence of traffic, and to determine if the time of year for establishment affect the competitive posture of bentgrasses against annual bluegrass invasion. Putting green trials established on 2 dates in 1995 and 1 date in 1996 have consistently shown differences in the amount annual bluegrass in mixed stands with bentgrass cultivars. Data collected in June 1998: Percent annual bluegrass invasion on 8 June 1998 indicated L-93 had less annual bluegrass invasion than all cultivars in the August 1995 seeded trial. Penncross had a higher percent annual bluegrass invasion than all remaining cultivars in the same seeding date. In the September 1995 seeded trial, A-4, L-93, and Southshore had less percent annual bluegrass invasion than Penncross; A-4 and L-93 also had less annual bluegrass invasion than Providence. A-4, Southshore, and G-2 also had less annual bluegrass invasion than Penncross in the June 1996 seeded trial. Data collected in October 1998: A-4 and L-93 had less percent annual bluegrass invasion than all cultivars except Southshore in the August 1995 seeded trial. Southshore had less annual bluegrass invasion than Providence and Penncross. L-93 had less annual bluegrass invasion than all cultivars except A-4 and G-2 in the September 1995 seeded trial. A-4, Southshore, and G-2 had less annual bluegrass invasion than Penncross. A-4 also had less annual bluegrass invasion than Pennlinks in the same seeding date. L-93 had less annual bluegrass invasion than Penncross and G-2 in the June 1996 seeded trial. A-4 had less annual bluegrass invasion than Penncross in the same seeding date. A trial was initiated in 1998 to evaluate the time of year for bentgrass establishment that may enhance the competitive ability of bentgrass species and cultivars against annual bluegrass. Initial data indicates that a June seeding date resulted in less annual bluegrass invasion than seeding dates in May and August. This would be expected based on the fact that annual bluegrass is a winter annual, and peak seed germination periods would be late-summer to early-fall. Two additional trials were established in 1998. Both were established on soil and are intended to be managed under putting green and fairways conditions. Both trials will assess the population dynamics between bentgrass and annual bluegrass under four levels of traffic. A third trial will be established under on a sand-based (USGA style) root zone and maintained as a putting green (construction of the root zone was completed in October 1998). This third trial will also evaluate the effect of traffic on bentgrass and annual bluegrass population dynamics. More than a dozen cultivars of two bentgrass species are being evaluated in these three trials. Data will be collected for the percent population of each species as well as turf performance for each cultivar treatment under each level of traffic."
See Also:See also related summary article, "Cultivar and traffic effects on population dynamics of Agrostis spp. and Poa annua mixtures", 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA], 1998, p. 27, R=61830. R=61830
Note:Also appears as pp. 81-92 in the USGA Turfgrass Research Committee Reporting Binders for 1998.
"November 2, 1998"
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