Full TGIF Record # 220910
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Author(s):Beale, Reginald
Monograph Title:The Practical Greenkeeper, 1927.
Publishing Information:London, England, United Kingdom: Carter Tested Seeds
Edition:Revised New
# of Pages:56
Collation:56 pp.
See Also:See all records for known editions of The Practical Greenkeeper, search as MCODE=PRACG to isolate as a set or see records related to PRACG
Note:Includes advertisements
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"A very rare, small manual on the construction, establishment, and culture of turfgrasses on putting greens and fairways in the United Kingdom. It is organized in six parts with the last two addressing turfgrass pest controls. There are five pages of turfgrass equipment photographs and prices in the back. Reginald Beale had the following comments on bentgrass (Agrostis spp.) greens:

The diseases which attack the bents are known as large and small brown patch, they are caused by moulds or fungi for which no remedy is known. Whether the Acidity Theory will prove to be a success or not in this Country time alone can tell but it is no use adopting it unless one has command of an adequate supply of water, compost and labour, because without these, satisfactory results cannot be hoped for." p. 166
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
Beard Rarity Statement:Very rare
Beard Special Note:Identified by James B Beard in Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf (2014) as being old and rare based on his experience.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Beale, Reginald. 1927. The Practical Greenkeeper. Revised New. ed. 56 pp. London, England, United Kingdom: Carter Tested Seeds.
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