Full TGIF Record # 222573
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Material Type:Booklet
Monographic Author(s):MacDonald, James
Monograph Title:Lawns - Sports Grounds - Meadow Lands, 192X.
Publishing Information:Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom: Harpenden
# of Pages:20
Collation:20 pp.
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"A very rare, small booklet on the establishment and culture of turfgrasses for lawns, tennis courts, bowling greens, and golf courses under the cool-season turfgrass conditions in England. This booklet consists of a series with more than five editions." p. 272-273
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
Beard Rarity Statement:Very rare
Beard Special Note:Identified by James B Beard in Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf (2014) as being old and rare based on his experience.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
MacDonald, James. 192X. Lawns - Sports Grounds - Meadow Lands. 20 pp. Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom: Harpenden.
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