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Material Type: | Book |
Monographic Author(s): | Siems, H. B. |
Monograph Title: | For Better Lawns and Gardens, 1931. |
Publishing Information: | Chicago, Illinois: Swift & Company |
# of Pages: | 58 |
Collation: | 58 pp. |
Library of Congress Subject Headings: | Gardening; Landscape gardening |
Language: | English |
References: | Unknown |
Note: | Pictures Tables |
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard: | "A booklet on gardening that includes lawns, flowers, shrubs, trees, vegetable gardens, and house plants. It is practically oriented to gardening enthusiasts and conditions in the United States, with emphasis on fertilizing and soils management. It contains two chapters on lawns. Dr. Siems introduced the book as follows:
Plants have contributed to our comfort and pleasure since time immemorial, but not until a few years ago did their usefulness in beautifying our homes become so universally appreciated.
History records few changes in our mode of living that have equalled in growth and extent the presentday method of home beautification. It has spread in to every city, town, and hamlet. Few changes have done so much to improve our standard of living or contributed more to our health and welfare.
Everywhere the old-fashioned front lawns have given way to beautiful open lawns with graceful shrubs softening the corners and walls. The back yard of yesterday has been converted into an "outdoor living room", carpeted with rich-green velvety grass, with walls of shrubs and trees, tapering down to border of flowers arranged in groups to form as many different scenes as the imagination can inspire-living scenes that change with the hours, the days, and the seasons.
Here, away from the hazards of the street, children may play in safety. Here each member of the family finds an alluring retreat that only such an environment could provide, and the pleasure and satisfaction one gets from creating and maintaining this new beauty is almost equal to that which he receives from it." p. 642-643 |
Beard Section Heading: | Post-1950 general lawn and landscape books: Dual lawn and landscape books |
Beard Scope of Content Note: | Identified by James B Beard in Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf (2014) as containing chapter(s) or section(s) on turfgrass but addressing a broader array of subjects than just turfgrass. |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Siems, H. B. 1931. For Better Lawns and Gardens. 58 pp. Chicago, Illinois: Swift & Company. |
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