Full TGIF Record # 232096
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Web URL(s):http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/rpr/1996/Environmental/47097, U Maryland, Carroll.PDF
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Manuscript
Monographic Author(s):Carroll, Mark J.; Hill, Robert L.; Herner, Albert
Author Affiliation:Carroll and Hill: Principal Investigator, Department of Agronomy, University of Maryland; and Herner: Cooperator, Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, USDA: Beltsville
Monograph Title:Modeling Pesticide Transport in Turfgrass Thatch and Foliage: [1996 Annual Research Report], 1996.
Publishing Information:[College Park, Maryland]: Department of Agronomy, University of Maryland
# of Pages:13
Collation:[13] pp.
Abstract/Contents:"Pesticides applied to mature turf move into the soil only after being washed off foliage and moving through turfgrass thatch. Any attempt to predict the movement of pesticides applied to turf requires that the retention characteristics of the pesticide to foliage and thatch be known. Research evaluating the washoff of pesticides from Southshore creeping bentgrass foliage was conducted in the summer of 1995 and 1996. The turf was mowed to 5/8" prior to the application of each pesticide and approximately 1.25" of simulated rainfall applied 1, 8, 24 and 72 hours after pesticide application. Pesticide washoff from the foliage was determined by mowing strips of turf at a 3/8" height immediately before and after simulated rainfall. The strips were located adjacent to one another inside 6 X 7' plots. Three formulations of chlorothalonil, Daconil 2787 4F, Daconil Ultrex (WDG), and Daconil 2787 5G were applied at a target rate of 9 lb chlorothalonil/acre on four dates in 1995, and on two dates in 1996. Each formulation was applied to a separate block of turf on each of the six dates, and a single plot within each block sampled at one of the four designated residence time intervals. Similarly, four replicate blocks of Southshore creeping bentgrass were treated with target rates of 0.5 lb dicamba/acre or 7.7 lbs/acre carbaryl on a single date in 1995, using Banvel or Chipco Sevin 4SL. Chlorothalonil was more resistance to washoff than carbaryl or dicamba. Over the 72 hour evaluation period, foliar levels of chlorothalonil were 20 to 46% higher in turf treated with Daconil 2787 5G, than in turf treated with F or WDF formulated Daconil 2787. There was, however, no difference among the three formulations in the fraction of chlorothalonil that was removed by rainfall. When averaged over the 3 formulations, only about 35% of the chlorothalonil was removed from the foliage when rainfall occurred 1 hour after application. At longer residence times no more than 15% of the chlorothalonil was removed from the foliage with rainfall. Rainfall that occurred within 8 hours of the application of Banvel removed 70% of the dicamba present on the foliage. Dicamba became more resistant to washoff at longer residence times. Only 44% of the dicamba present on bentgrass foliage was removed when rainfall first occurred 72 hours after application of Banvel. Replicate measurements of the fraction of carbaryl retained on bentgrass foliage were variable. The amount of carbaryl washoff, however, did not vary much with residence time. Washoff carbaryl from bentgrass foliage ranged from 64 to 79% over the 72 hour residence time evaluation period. Research in 1997 will focus on conducting sorption and transport studies aimed at obtaining the transport parameters needed to model 2,4-D, carbaryl and chlorothalonil movement using equilibrium and non-equilibrium forms of the convection dispersion equation. Our initial transport study conducted in 1996 revealed that the presence of a surface thatch layer reduced the transport of 2,4-D through shallow (ie., 6" deep) soil cores by at least 50%. Cores having a 3.5 year old 0.7" surface layer of Southshore creeping bentgrass thatch were more effective in reducing 2,4-D transport than cores having a 6 year old 1.3" surface layer of Meyer zoysiagrass thatch. From November 1995 to November 1996, the two principal investigators, Drs. Carroll and Hill devoted 25% and 15% of their professional time, respectively, to this project. As of 29 September 1996 the following expenses have been incurred related to this project: Wages, $36,603, Equipment and Supplies, $9,346 Indirect Costs, $15,171 Sum of all Expenses, $61,120. Goals: To quantify the washoff of pesticides from bentgrass foliage as a function of time after application and pesticide formulation.; To determine the effect of solution residence time on the sorption of pesticides to turfgrass thatch.; To determine if the linear equilibrium form of convection/dispersion equation is able to provide accurate estimates of pesticide transport in turf."
See Also:See also related summary article "Modeling pesticide transport in turfgrass thatch and foliage", 1996 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary 1996, p. 68-69, R=47087. R=47087
Note:Also appears as pp. 00095-00108 in the USGA Turfgrass Research Committee Reporting Binders for 1996.
"1996 Annual Report presented to the United States Golf Association Green Section Research"
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