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Web URL(s): | http://turf.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Poster-ETS-9085TenacityPrograss2012.pdf Last checked: 10/16/2018 Requires: PDF Reader |
Publication Type:
| Refereed |
Author(s): | Golob, C. T.;
Johnston, W. J. |
Author Affiliation: | Washington State University, USA |
Title: | Multiple autumn applications of mesotrione and mesotrione plus ethofumesate for selective post-emergence Poa annua L. suppression in Poa pratensis L. fairways |
Meeting Info.: | Kristiansand, Norway: June 24-26, 2012 |
Source: | 3rd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. Vol. 3, 2012, p. [1] p.. |
Publishing Information: | Angers, France: European Turfgrass Society |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Application timing; Autumn maintenance; Ethofumesate; Herbicide combinations; Herbicide evaluation; Mesotrione; Phytotoxicity; Poa annua control; Poa pratensis; Postemergence weed control; Turfgrass quality
Trade Names: | Tenacity; Prograss |
Abstract/Contents: | "A 2-year study was conducted at the WSU Palouse Ridge Golf Club (PRGC) in Pullman, WA to determine the efficacy of mesotrione ('Tenacity') applied alone or combined with a grass weed herbicide, ethofumesate ('Prograss'), for post-emergence control of Poa annua in a Kentucky bluegrass/P. annua fairway. Herbicide treatments were: Tenacity applied at 0.36 L ha-1, Prograss at 2.3 L ha-1, and the combination Tenacity 0.36 L ha-1 + Prograss at 2.3 L ha-1. Each treatment was applied three times in the Fall on 22 Sept., 7 Oct., and 19 Oct. 2009 and in 2010 on 16 Sept., 4 Oct., and 18 Oct. Phytotoxicity on Kentucky bluegrass and P. annua was rated once every week, or two, up to 2 Dec. 2009 and 2 Nov. 2010. Phytotoxicity was rated from 0 to 10; with 0 = no phytotoxicity and 10 = dead turf. The percentage of P. annua within each plot was determined at various times throughout the following growing season. Turfgrass quality (2010 data only) was rated from 1 to 9; with 9 = excellent. There was no phytotoxicity noted on the Kentucky bluegrass in either year; however, there was considerable phytotoxicity to the P. annua. Tenacity at 0.36 L ha-1 resulted in the highest level of phytotoxicity. When Tenacity at 0.36 L ha-1 was tank mixed with Prograss at 2.3 L ha-1 the level of phytotoxicity to P. annua was reduced. Tenacity alone, or Tenacity + Prograss resulted in a reduction of P. annua in the stand. However, by the end of the Summer the percentage of P. annua increased each year. Turfgrass quality was highest with the Tenacity + Prograss treatment during the Summer of 2010. Results indicate that phytotoxicity to P. annua will be present up to two months following Fall application. P. annua was reduced in the turfgrass stand in the Spring and Summer, but increased by the Fall of each year. However, with the reduction of P. annua in the stand, turfgrass quality was improved throughout the Summer of 2010. Complete P. annua control was not achieved following two consecutive years of Tenacity + Prograss Fall treatments, therefore, it appears that continual Fall applications will most likely be necessary to maintain lower levels (suppression) of P. annua in Kentucky bluegrass fairways." |
Language: | English |
References: | 2 |
Note: | Summary appears as abstract |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Golob, C. T., and W. J. Johnston. 2012. Multiple autumn applications of mesotrione and mesotrione plus ethofumesate for selective post-emergence Poa annua L. suppression in Poa pratensis L. fairways. Eur. Turfgrass Soc. Conf. Proc. 3:p. [1] p.. |
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