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Web URL(s):http://www.turf.uconn.edu/pdf/research/reports/2014%20UConn%20Annual%20Turf%20Research%20Report.pdf#page=35
    Last checked: 10/30/2015
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Miele, K.; Hyatt, K.; Kalinowski, S.; Vose, S.; Inguagiato, J.
Author Affiliation:Miele: Research Assistant II; Hyatt and Kalinowski: Undergraduate Research Assistant; Vose: Agricultural Worker 2; Inguagiato: Assistant Professor, Turfgrass Pathology, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Title:Preventive dollar spot control with various fungicides on a creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2014
Section:Turfgrass pathology
Other records with the "Turfgrass pathology" Section
Source:2014 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. 2015, p. 24-35.
Publishing Information:Storrs, Connecticut: Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Connecticut
# of Pages:12
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Agrostis stolonifera; Combination treatments; Disease control; Dollar spot; Fungicide efficacy; Fungicide evaluation; Golf fairway maintenance; Preventive control; Sclerotinia homoeocarpa
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Miele, K., K. Hyatt, S. Kalinowski, S. Vose, and J. Inguagiato. 2015. Preventive dollar spot control with various fungicides on a creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2014. Turfgrass Res. Rep. [Connecticut]. p. 24-35.
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