Full TGIF Record # 269941
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or summary only
Author(s):Kouskolekas, Costas A.
Author Affiliation:Auburn University
Title:Notes on biology and control of the ground pearl Margarodes meridionalis (Homoptera: Margarodidae)
Section:Weeds and insects
Other records with the "Weeds and insects" Section
Meeting Info.:Blacksburg, Virginia: June 19-21, 1973
Source:Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1973, p. 32.
Publishing Information:Blacksburg, Virginia: [International Turfgrass Society]
# of Pages:1
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Insect control; Insecticide evaluation; Margarodes; Recommendations; Research priorities
Geographic Terms:Southeastern United States
Abstract/Contents:"Ground pearls are subterranean scale insects which infest the roots of lawn grasses (bermuda, centipede, zoysia). In the Southeastern U.S. they are of major concern to homeowners and golf course personnel. Ground pearls present a challenging problem which has frustrated research workers for years. Their biology and control was investigated in Alabama. The sampling techniques and the procedures for processing the soil samples were simplified. Life history studies were conducted in the laboratory and in the field. Several males, which are considered quite rare, were obtained. The quantitative relationship between number of ground pearls present and damage to the grass is unknown. The direct damage to the grass is masked by the interplay of several physical factors. Proper lawn care, primarily through irrigation and fertilization, helps the grass overcome the damage but the beneficial effect is only temporary. The published and personally communicated information on ground pearl control indicates that no insecticide has been consistently effective. In Alabama, applications of Dasanit, Dyfonate, and Phorate + Zinophos reduced the populations more than other materials tested. The seasonal history of ground pearls is incompletely understood and the relative susceptibility of the developmental stages to insecticides is unknown. Therefore, the proper timing of insecticidal applications for maximum effectiveness has not been established. There are promising approaches to chemical control but these have not been investigated as yet."
Note:This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Kouskolekas, C. A. 1973. Notes on biology and control of the ground pearl Margarodes meridionalis (Homoptera: Margarodidae). Int. Turfgrass Soc. Annexe - Tech. Pap. p. 32.
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