Full TGIF Record # 274722
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Corporate Author(s):Golf Limited
Monograph Title:Turf Maintenance Equipment: Golf Courses, Bowling Greens, Parks, Tennis Courts, Cemeteries and Private Estates, 1931.
Publishing Information:Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Golf Limited
# of Pages:48
Collation:48 pp.
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Golf courses -- Maintenance -- Catalogs; Golf courses -- Equipment and supplies -- Catalogs; Grounds maintenance -- Catalogs; Turf management -- Equipment and supplies -- Catalogs; Golf courses -- Equipment and supplies; Golf courses -- Maintenance; Grounds maintenance; Turf management -- Equipment and supplies; Commercial catalogs -- Ontario -- Toronto; Lawns -- Catalogs; Turf management -- Catalogs; Golf courses -- Maintenance -- Equipment and supplies -- Catalogs; Canadian Trade Catalogue Collection : CTCC
Note:Includes index
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Golf Limited. 1931. Turf Maintenance Equipment: Golf Courses, Bowling Greens, Parks, Tennis Courts, Cemeteries and Private Estates. 48 pp. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Golf Limited.
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