Full TGIF Record # 28015
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Corporate Author(s):Australian Turfgrass Research Institute
Monograph Title:Disease, Insect & Weed Control in Turf, 1989.
Publishing Information:Concord West, New South Wales, Australia: Australian Turfgrass Research Institute
# of Pages:60
Collation:[2], iv, 54 pp.
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Introduction (The ATRI Charter; and A Little About the Institute); Safe Use of Pesticides (Toxicity; and Minimising Hazard); Disease Control (Anthracnose; Brown Patch; Damping Off; Dollar Spot; Downy Mildew; Fairy Rings; Grey Leaf Spot; Helminthosporium Disease; Kikuyu Yellows; Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blight; Nematodes; Red Thread; Rolf's Disease; Rust; Spring Dead Spot; Take-All Patch; and Winter Fusarium); Non-Pathogenic Disorders (Dry Patch, Heat Scald; Nutritional Disorders; and Slime Mould); Insect Control (African Black Beetle; Ants, Argentine Stem Weevil; Billbug; Blackheaded Pasture Cockchafer; Couchgrass Scale; Couch Tip Maggot; Felted Grass Coccid; Grass Eating Caterpillars; Ground Pearls; Mealy Bugs; Mites, Mole Cricket; Other Scarab Grubs; and Weevils, Miscellaneous); Weed Control (General Information; Broadleaf Weeds; Easy to Kill; Difficult to Kill; Very Difficult to Kill; Control Measures for Broadleaf Weeds; Grass and Grass-Like Weeds; Couchgrass; Crowsfoot Grass; Kikuyu Grass; Mullumbimby Couch; Nutgrass; Parramatta Grass; Paspalum; Summer Grass; Water Couch; and Winter Grass); Aquatic Weed Control (Algae; Emergent Plants; Floating Plants; and Submerged Plants); Total Weed Control; Herbicide Phytotoxicity (Cool Season Grasses; and Warm Season Grasses); and Moss and Algae.
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Turfgrasses; Turfgrasses -- Diseases and pests; Pests -- Control; Weeds -- Control
See Also:See also first edition, 1987, R=111523 R=111523

See also third edition, 1993, R=111531 R=111531

See also fourth edition, 1996, R=111590 R=111590
Includes appendix: "Standard calculations"; p. 52
Includes appendix: "To convert rate/100m2 to rate/bowling green"; p. 52
Includes appendix: "To convert rate/100m2 to rate/cricket wicket"; p. 52
Includes appendix: "To convert rate/100m2 to rate/Ha"; p. 52
Includes appendix: "Conversion from rate/100m2 to other areas"; p. 53
Include appendix: "Quick conversion table"; p. 54
"First issued October, 1989, reprinted with minor corrections, December, 1989"
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"An updated, expanded guide to turfgrass pest diagnosis and control for recreational and sports fields in Australia." p. 151
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Australian Turfgrass Research Institute. 1989. Disease, Insect & Weed Control in Turf. 2nd. ed. [2], iv, 54 pp. Concord West, New South Wales, Australia: Australian Turfgrass Research Institute.
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