Full TGIF Record # 309937
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Web URL(s):https://www.wsweedscience.org/wp-content/uploads/WSWS-Proceedings-2017.pdf#page=86
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Umeda, Kai
Author Affiliation:University of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ
Title:Multiple years of evaluating amicarbazone and methiozolin for Poa annua control in turf
Section:General session
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Project 2: Weeds of horticultural crops
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Meeting Info.:Coeur d'Alene,Idaho: March 13-17, 2017
Source:Western Society of Weed Science Annual Meeting 2017. Vol. 70, 2017, p. 73.
Publishing Information:Westminster, Colorado: Western Society of Weed Science
# of Pages:1
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Amicarbazone; Application timing; Bispyribac-sodium; Herbicide application; Herbicide evaluation; Methiozolin; Poa annua control
Abstract/Contents:"Methiozolin at 0.5 lb a.i./A was applied sequentially four times at 10-14 day intervals to compare timing of applications in the fall beginning in September versus October. Amicarbazone at 0.02 and 0.04 lb a.i./A and bispyribac-sodium at 0.01 lb a.i./A were applied sequentially 6 times at 10-14 days to evaluate and determine Poa annua control efficacy beginning in the fall of 2013 to the present. In December 2013 at 1 month after the final applications were made, methiozolin caused up to 75% P. annua injury, bispyribac-sodium caused 53% injury, and amicarbazone showed no evidence of injury. In the spring 2014, methiozolin applied beginning in October exhibited nearly acceptable control of P. annua at 83% while the early timing initiated in September was similar to amicarbazone and bispyribac-sodium at 36 to 58% control. The same treatments were re-applied in fall 2014, spring and fall 2015, and fall 2016. Methiozolin applications initiated in October consistently showed improved P. annua control at acceptable levels better than 80% compared to September initiation. Amicarbazone at 0.04 lb a.i./A performed better than the lower rate against P. annua. Amicarbazone caused phytotoxicity on the creeping bentgrass golf green while methiozolin and bispyribac-sodium caused slight discoloration of the turf."
Note:This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Umeda, K. 2017. Multiple years of evaluating amicarbazone and methiozolin for Poa annua control in turf. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 70:p. 73.
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