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Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Curtis, Daniel W.; Roerig, Kyle C.; Hulting, Andrew G.; Mallory-Smith, Carol
Author Affiliation:Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Title:Fall preemergence herbicide applications to spring plantings of cool season grass seed crops
Section:General session
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Project 3: Weeds of agronomic crops
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Meeting Info.:Coeur d'Alene,Idaho: March 13-17, 2017
Source:Western Society of Weed Science Annual Meeting 2017. Vol. 70, 2017, p. 81-82.
Publishing Information:Westminster, Colorado: Western Society of Weed Science
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Application timing; Herbicide application; Herbicide efficacy; Herbicide evaluation; Poa annua; Poa trivialis; Seed production; Weed control
Abstract/Contents:"Oregon's grass seed production is dependent on the ability to produce weed free seed. Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and roughtalk bluegrass (Poa trivialis) are two weed species which pose contamination threats to seed production. For the production of tall fescue and the fine fescues, predominately chewings and creeping red, spring planting is the most cost effective method of crop establishment. A major problem growers face is that potential herbicides for fall preemergence use in these spring planted stands, including flufenacet/metribuzin, s-metolachlor, dimethenamid-p, diuron and metribuzin, state that they can only be applied following the first seed harvest or to established crops at least one-year old. The exception is pendimethalin, which needs water incorporation, and most of these plantings are non-irrigated. Five studies conducted at the Oregon State University research farm in Corvallis evaluated fall herbicide applications to spring planted fescue stands. The grasses were planted in the spring, either April or May, and allowed to go dormant through the low rainfall months of July, August and September. In 2010-11, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin and flufenacet/metribuzin were compared to an untreated check treatment. The herbicide treatments controlled the annual bluegrass at 90% or greater, and yields were not reduced. In 2012-13, a study compared several herbicides including flufenacet/metribuzin plus diuron, indaziflam, pyroxasulfone, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin, terbacil plus diuron and metribuzin. The flufenacet/metribuzin, indaziflam and pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin controlled roughstalk bluegrass 93% or greater, and flufenacet/metribuzin, indaziflam, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin and pyroxasulfone controlled annual bluegrass 92% or greater. No control of the weeds occurred with the terbacil plus diuron treatment or metribuzin. Yields were equivalent in all treatments. In 2015, four herbicide treatments were applied to a spring planting of tall fescue at three timings in the fall. Flufenacet/metribuzin, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin, EPTC and indaziflam were applied nine days prior to the first fall rain event of 0.23 inches, one day prior to the rain event and 29 days following the rain event. The herbicide treatments with the exception of the EPTC controlled annual and roughstalk bluegrass 93% or greater. None of the treatments reduced yield. Two studies investigated fall applications of herbicide treatments to spring plantings of creeping red fescue and chewings fescue in 2015. Treatments included flufenacet/metribuzin, indaziflam, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin, dimethenamid-P, A20540B and s-metolachlor. In the creeping red fescue study, flufenacet/metribuzin, indaziflam, and pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin controlled both roughstalk and diuron resistant annual bluegrass 94% or greater and no treatments reduced yields. In the chewings fescue study, flufenacet/metribuzin, indaziflam, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin and dimethenamid-P controlled roughstalk bluegrass and diuron resistant annual bluegrass 90% or greater. All treatments except indaziflam reduced yield in comparison to the untreated. No injury was observed in the chewings fescue and yield reductions might be mitigated with rate reductions. In these five studies, diuron resistant annual bluegrass was controlled at levels 90% or greater with the fall applications and in the four studies with roughstalk bluegrass, the fall applications with flufenacet/metribuzin, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin and indaziflam controlled 93% or greater of the roughstalk bluegrass. In general, fall applications of flufenacet/metribuzin, pyroxasulfone/flumioxazin and indaziflam to spring planted grass seed were effective and safe."
Note:Item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Curtis, D. W., K. C. Roerig, A. G. Hulting, and C. Mallory-Smith. 2017. Fall preemergence herbicide applications to spring plantings of cool season grass seed crops. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 70:p. 81-82.
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