Full TGIF Record # 313765
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Web URL(s):https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/ressum/2020/2020.pdf#page=17
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Belanger, Faith C.; Clarke, Bruce B.
Author Affiliation:Rutgers University
Title:Evaluation of activity of a fungal endophyte antifungal protein against dollar spot infected creeping bentgrass
Section:Genetics and breeding
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Cool-season grasses
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Source:Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. 2020, p. 9-14.
Publishing Information:[New York, New York]: The United States Golf Association Green Section
# of Pages:6
See Also:Other Reports from this USGA research project: 2018-11-661
Note:Pictures, color
USGA Summary Points:The fungal endophyte (Epichloë festucae) that infects strong creeping red fescue produces and abundant antifungal protein that is not found in most Epichloë species. Our endophyte-infected strong creeping red fescue. Gene knockouts of the antifungal protein gene were produced, but extensive efforts to inoculate the knockout isolates back into the endophyte-free strong creeping red fescue were unsuccessful. However, the wild type isolate and complemented knockout isolates (transformed with plasmids containing the wild type antifungal protein gene) could be inoculated into plants. These results suggest the antifungal protein may be required for infection (the ability of a fungus to gain entry into the plant) and symbiosis once inside the host grass. The activities of the E. festucae antifungal protein produced in yeast, bacteria, and in the fungus Penicilllium chrysogenum were assessed against the model fungus Neurospora crassa. The best activity of the E. festucae antifungal protein was obtained with the Penicillium expression system. Also, the Penicillium expression system was the most convenient for purification and produced the highest quantity of the E. festucae antifungal protein. The E. festucae purified antifungal protein expressed in Penicillium had activity against the dollar spot fungus in culture. Now that we have established a robust expression system for producing adequate quantities of the E. festucae antifungal protein we are ready to test the application of the protein onto dollar spot infected plants to determine if this cold be a new method for disease control.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
2020. Evaluation of activity of a fungal endophyte antifungal protein against dollar spot infected creeping bentgrass. USGA Turfgrass Environ. Res. Summ. p. 9-14.
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