Full TGIF Record # 317136
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Seidel, Tyler
Author Affiliation:Turfgrass Science, University of Connecticut, Windsor Locks, CT
Title:Effect of turf species, seeding rate and mowing height on weed populations during and post turfgrass establishment
Section:Turfgrass science oral II
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C05 turfgrass science
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Meeting Info.:Salt Lake City, Utah: November 7-10, 2021
Source:ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2021, p. 137049.
Publishing Information:[Madison, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America]
# of Pages:1
Abstract/Contents:"Synthetic herbicides have been conventionally used to control weeds in turfgrass and have been shown to be very effective in managing weeds, there are concerns regarding their potential negative impact on human and environmental health that has sparked legislative action to severely restrict or ban their use. The objective of this research was to determine the impact of turfgrass species selection, seeding rate and mowing height on weed populations during and post turfgrass establishment. This experiment was arranged as a 4x2x2x2 (turfgrass species, herbicide, seeding rate, mowing height) factorial in a split block design with three replications. The first factor, turfgrass species, included Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) (KBG), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) (PRG), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) (TF) and creeping red fescue/ chewings fescue (Festuca rubra/Festuca commutate) (FF). The second factor, herbicide, included pre and post emergent herbicide treatments or no herbicide treatments. The third factor, seeding rate, included each species seeded at the recommended rate and twice the recommended rate. The fourth factor, mowing height, included mowing heights 3.2cm and 8.3cm. The main plots (herbicide) were split by mowing height. Turfgrass species and seeding rate were randomized within the mowing height sub plots. PRG consistently had lower weed cover compared to the other species during establishment (1.4% 6 weeks after establishment; P<0.0001). Twice the recommended seeding rate reduced weed cover up to 4 weeks after establishment (15.6% weed cover (2x rate) compared to 22.2% weed cover (1x rate)). In the post-establishment phase, the fescues (TF and FF) consistently had lower weed cover without the use of herbicides (between 9.7% and 20.7% 10 weeks post-establishment; P<0.05) regardless of mowing height. Utilizing TF or FF and using a lower mowing height post establishment, will result in lower broadleaf weed populations and can help increase turfgrass quality in pesticide-free situations."
Note:This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Seidel, T. 2021. Effect of turf species, seeding rate and mowing height on weed populations during and post turfgrass establishment. Agron. Abr. p. 137049.
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