Full TGIF Record # 319760
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Author(s):Braun, Ross C.; Watkins, Eric; Braithwaite, Emily T.; Hollman, Andrew B.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Patton, Aaron J.
Author Affiliation:Braun and Patton: Dep. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN; Braithwaite and Kowalewski: Dep. of Horticulture, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR ; Watkins and Hollman: Dep. of Horticulture Science, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Title:Nitrogen fertilizer and clover inclusion effects on the establishment of fine fescue taxa
Section:Turfgrass science
Other records with the "Turfgrass science" Section
Source:Crop Science. Vol. 62, No. 2, March/April 2022, p. 947-957.
Publishing Information:Madison, Wisconsin: Crop Science Society of America
# of Pages:11
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Application methods; Controls (Experimental); Establishment rate; Festuca brevipila; Festuca ovina; Festuca rubra subsp. commutata; Festuca rubra subsp. trichophylla; Nitrogen fertilization; Trifolium repens
Cultivar Names:Indiana; Oregon; Minnesota
Abstract/Contents:"Little information exists on establishment vigor differences among fine fescue taxa (Festuca L. spp.) and on the effects N fertilizer levels or clover (Trifolium L. spp.)-inclusion during establishment. Five replicated field experiments in Indiana, Minnesota, and Oregon were conducted from 2019 to 2021. Data collection continued for 9 mo after planting to investigate differences among four fine fescue taxa and determine optimal N fertility or clover-inclusion programs for the establishment of fine fescue taxa. Six N fertilizer levels ranged from 0 to 122.5 kg N ha-1 during the 8 wk after planting, and two treatments included clover-inclusion + 0 kg N ha-1 at seeding. The three taxa of the Festuca rubra complex - strong creeping red fescue (F. rubra L. ssp. rubra Gaudin), slender creeping red fescue [F. rubra ssp. littoralis (G. Mey.) Auquier], and Chewings fescue (F. rubra ssp. commutata Gaudin)were similar to one another and required the shortest amount of time until 90% establishment (i.e., faster establishment) compared with hard fescue (Festuca brevipila Tracey). Providing 24.5 kg N ha-1 at seeding hastened establishment of all fine fescues compared with no N fertilizer (0 kg N ha-1). Applying 49 kg N ha-1 at establishment provided faster establishment than the 24.5 kg N ha-1 treatment; however, treatments receiving 73.5122.5 kg N ha-1 during the first 8 wk after planting provided a similar rate of establishment as 49 kg N ha-1. Inclusion of clover with fine fescue resulted in slower establishment than fertilizer levels of =24.5 kg N ha-1."
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Braun, R. C., E. Watkins, E. T. Braithwaite, A. B. Hollman, A. R. Kowalewski, and A. J. Patton. 2022. Nitrogen fertilizer and clover inclusion effects on the establishment of fine fescue taxa. Crop Sci. 62(2):p. 947-957.
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DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20704
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