Full TGIF Record # 325028
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Web URL(s):https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2022am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/143697
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    Last checked: 01/04/2023
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    Notes: Item is within a single large file; Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 76th Annual Meeting reprint
Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Begitschke, Erick; Wang, Julie; Young, Audrey Anna; Tucker, Kevin; Henry, Gerald M.
Author Affiliation:Begitschke: Presenting Author and University of Georgia-Athens; Wang, Tucker, and Henry: University of Georgia-Athens; Young: University of Georgia
Title:Conversion of a hybrid bermudagrass fairway to zoysiagrass
Section:Golf Turf Management Poster (includes student competition)
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C05 turfgrass science
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Meeting Info.:Baltimore, Maryland: November 6-9, 2022
Source:ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. 2022, p. 143697.
Publishing Information:[Madison, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America]
# of Pages:1
Related Web URL:https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2022am/mediafile/Handout/Paper143697/CSSA%20Zoysiagrass%20Conversion%20Poster%202022_Final.pdf
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    Notes: Presentation poster
Abstract/Contents:"Golf courses throughout the southern U.S. have begun converting fairways from hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon Œ C. transvaalensis Burtt Davy) to new zoysiagrass (Zoysia matrella L. Merr.) cultivars. Historically, superintendents have sprayed glyphosate and fluazifop to eradicate hybrid bermudagrass prior to sprigging zoysiagrass. Recognition®, trifloxysulfuron + metcamifen, can be tank-mixed with fluazifop to gradually remove hybrid bermudagrass during the conversion process. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of fluazifop + trifloxysulfuron + metcamifen rates and application timings on zoysiagrass establishment and hybrid bermudagrass eradication compared to a traditional conversion program. 'Zorro' zoysiagrass was sprigged into an existing 'Tiftuf' hybrid bermudagrass fairway at the Athens Turfgrass Research and Education Center in Athens, GA during summer 2022. Treatments included three application timings of a low (120 or 210 g ai ha-1) and high (421 g ai ha-1) rate of fluazifop with trifloxysulfuron + metcamifen (28 g ai ha-1) and a non-ionic surfactant (0.25% v/v) compared to a traditional conversion program of glyphosate (3910 g ae ha-1) + fluazifop (421 g ai ha-1) and a non-treated control. Initial herbicide treatments were applied 25 days before sprigging (DBS), and sequential applications were made 6 DBS, 8 days after sprigging (DAS), 39 DAS, 50 DAS, 72 DAS, and 100 DAS. All fluazifop + trifloxysulfuron + metcamifen treatments other than the lowest rate of fluazifop (120 g ai -1) provided similar zoysiagrass cover and bermudagrass suppression as the traditional program when rated 93 DAS. Additionally, no significant differences were detected in percent zoysiagrass cover or bermudagrass suppression between low and high rates of fluazifop + trifloxysulfuron + metcamifen when first applied either 6 DBS or 8 DAS. Future research should evaluate weed control during conversion in response to the aforementioned treatments."
Note:Reprint appears in Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 76th Annual Meeting, Vol. 76, 2023, p. 63
Reprint appears in Golf Course Management, 91(1) January 2023, p. 109
This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Begitschke, E., J. Wang, A. A. Young, K. Tucker, and G. M. Henry. 2022. Conversion of a hybrid bermudagrass fairway to zoysiagrass. Agron. Abr. p. 143697.
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    Last checked: 01/04/2023
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    Notes: Item is within a single large file; Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 76th Annual Meeting reprint
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