Full TGIF Record # 330042
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Web URL(s):http://www.turfgrasssociety.eu
    Last checked: 07/06/2023
    Access conditions: Item is within a limited-access website
    Last checked: 06/26/2024
    Requires: PDF Reader
    Notes: European Journal of Turfgrass Science reprint; Item is within a single large file
Publication Type:
Author(s):Straw, Chase; Friell, Joshua
Author Affiliation:Straw: University of Minnesota; Friell: The Toro Company
Title:Precision irrigation using sensor and mapping technologies
Section:Drought, irrigation and water consumption
Other records with the "Drought, irrigation and water consumption" Section
Meeting Info.:Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 29-July 1, 2020
Source:7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. 2020, p. 26-27.
Publishing Information:Osnabrueck, Germany: European Turfgrass Society
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Aerial mapping; GPS; Irrigation efficiency; Precision application; Soil moisture sensors; Water-saving techniques
See Also:See also related item "Precision irrigation for golf courses using sensor and mapping technologies" ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, 2019, p. 118734, R=310260. R=310260
Note:"Selected papers (Part 1/3) for the 7th ETS Conference 2020, cancelled due to Covid-19"
Reprint appears in European Journal of Turfgrass Science, 51(2) Juli 2020, p. 26
Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Straw, C., and J. Friell. 2020. Precision irrigation using sensor and mapping technologies. Eur. Turfgrass Soc. Conf. Proc. p. 26-27.
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    Last checked: 07/06/2023
    Access conditions: Item is within a limited-access website
    Last checked: 06/26/2024
    Requires: PDF Reader
    Notes: European Journal of Turfgrass Science reprint; Item is within a single large file
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