Full TGIF Record # 331630
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Web URL(s):https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2020am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/124611
    Last checked: 09/07/2023
Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Weaver, Joshua; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Hubbard, Lewis Ray; Bridges, William C.
Author Affiliation:Weaver: Ag Inspector, Clemson University , Pendleton, SC; McCarty: Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC; Quisenberry, Hubbard and Bridges: Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Title:Evaluating biological thatch control on golf greens
Section:Golf turf management oral I: Cultural practices, physiology, and water (includes student competition)
Other records with the "Golf turf management oral I: Cultural practices, physiology, and water (includes student competition)" Section

C05 turfgrass science
Other records with the "C05 turfgrass science" Section
Meeting Info.:San Antonio, Texas: November 9-13, 2020
Source:ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November 2020, p. 124611.
Publishing Information:[Madison, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America]
# of Pages:1
Abstract/Contents:"Thatch is a layer of living and dead plant material (stems and roots) between turfgrass leaf tissue and the soil surface and if excessive, it can decrease playability of turf surfaces, increase mower scalping and disease pressure, reduce pesticide efficacy and water infiltration, plus harbor insects. In golf greens, disruptive mechanical practices such as vertical mowing, core cultivation, grooming, and topdressing are traditional agronomic methods for managing thatch/organic matter. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate two commercial biostimulant products, Worm Power and Earth MAX, and their impact on thatch and rooting depth. In addition to the biostimulants, two industry standards were included: blackstrap molasses and sand topdressing. In both years, all treatments, with the exception of blackstrap molasses, provided an average of 18% greater root length than untreated control. However, blackstrap molasses provided 146% greater root weight, and 9% less thatch weight over the two-year study when compared to the untreated control. For both years, blackstrap molasses, Earth MAX (1), Earth MAX (2), and Worm Power reduced thatch thickness an average of 26% versus the untreated."
See Also:See also related item, "Evaluating biological thatch control on golf greens" ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, November 10-13, 2019, p. 121579, R=310344. R=310344
Note:This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Weaver, J., L. B. McCarty, V. L. Quisenberry, L. R. Hubbard, and W. C. Bridges. 2020. Evaluating biological thatch control on golf greens. Agron. Abr. p. 124611.
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    Last checked: 09/07/2023
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