Full TGIF Record # 33616
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Knowles, Tim C.; Hipp, Billy W.; Graff, Paul S.
Author Affiliation:Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Title:Predicting preplant phosphorous needs of turfgrass using soil analysis
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Source:Texas Turfgrass Research - 1992. September 1992, p. 73-75.
Publishing Information:College Station, TX: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
# of Pages:3
Series:Texas Agricultural Exp. Station Consolidated Report
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Phosphorus uptake; Soil fertility; Soil analysis
Abstract/Contents:A statistical analysis of the correlation between two phosphorus soil tests and actual phosphorus requirements of turfgrasses. It was found that the TAEX-P test underestimates the amount of phosphorous in alkaline soil, due to a neutralization of its weakly acidic extractant. However, the TAEX-P test is more preferable in acidic soil. The two tests did, however produce similar results when calculating critical P levels. "Field correlation studies using the TAEX soil test over a wider range of Blackland soils and crops are necessary before meaningful fertilizer recommendations for new turfgrass plantings can be developed."
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Knowles, T. C., B. W. Hipp, and P. S. Graff. 1992. Predicting preplant phosphorous needs of turfgrass using soil analysis. Tex Turfgrass Res. p. 73-75.
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