Full TGIF Record # 47694
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Author(s):Rossi, Frank; Sausen, Amy; Berg, Henry; Brelow [Buelow], Emily; Miller, Monroe; Erdahl, Bob; Worzella, Bruce
Author Affiliation:Rossi, Sausen, Berg & Buelow: Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin; Miller: Black Hawk Country Club; Erdahl: North Shore Country Club; Worzella: West Bend Country Club
Title:Evaluation of annual bluegrass population reduction programs for annual bluegrass/creeping bentgrass fairway turf
Section:Golf turf management research
Other records with the "Golf turf management research" Section
Source:Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1995 Studies. Vol. 13, 1995, p. 65-72.
Publishing Information:Madison: University of Wisconsin, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Turfgrass Association.
# of Pages:8
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Poa annua; Weed control; Agrostis stolonifera; Golf fairways; Plant growth regulators; Ethofumesate; Overseeding; Seeding rate; Flurprimidol; Trinexapac-ethyl
Abstract/Contents:Presents an experiment used to properly quantify the ability of plant growth regulators (PGRs) and a selective postemergence herbicide (ProGrass) to reduce annual bluegrass populations. The research objectives include: annual bluegrass reductions by PGRs and/or ProGrass, reduction of turf quality below an acceptable level by PGRs or ProGrass, and how overseeding with new bentgrass cultivars at different seeding rates in conjunction with chemical applications aids in annual bluegrass reduction. The experiment was initiated in 1993 at Blackhawk Country Club and North Shore Country Club (Wisconsin) and in 1995 at West Bend Country Club (Wisconsin). Results show that all chemical treatments and PGRs significantly reduced annual bluegrass populations compared to untreated plots. Also emphasizes that although chemicals help reduce annual bluegrass, the turf quality may decline in acceptable quality for up to two weeks after application. ProGrass was found to cause significant injury to annual bluegrass but did not kill it.
See Also:See also closely related article "Evaluation of annual bluegrass population reduction programs for annual bluegrass/creeping bentgrass fairway turf" The Grass Roots, 23(2) March/April 1995, p. 34-36 R=55281 R=55281
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Rossi, F., A. Sausen, H. Berg, E. Brelow [Buelow], M. Miller, B. Erdahl, et al. 1995. Evaluation of annual bluegrass population reduction programs for annual bluegrass/creeping bentgrass fairway turf. Wis. Turfgrass Res. Rep. 13:p. 65-72.
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