Full TGIF Record # 62578
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Engelke, M. C.; Arnold, J. M.
Author Affiliation:Engelke: Professor, and Arnold: Research Assistant, Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics, The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Dallas, TX
Title:1993 NTEP sand-modified bentgrass green evaluations at TAES-Dallas
Section:Cultivar Development
Other records with the "Cultivar Development" Section
Source:Texas Turfgrass Research - 1995. 1995, p. 42-47.
Publishing Information:College Station, TX: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
# of Pages:6
Series:Texas Agricultural Exp. Station Consolidated Research Report TURF 95-8
Keywords:TIC Keywords: National Bentgrass Test-1989 (Modified Soil-Green); Agrostis stolonifera; Cultivar evaluation; Variety trials; Quality; Density; Uniformity; Color; Leaf texture; Root depth; Establishment; Performance
Geographic Terms:Dallas, Texas
Abstract/Contents:"The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Sand-Modified Bentgrass Green Trial (NTEP, 1989) established in 1993 focuses on identifying cultivars with significant improvements in environmental adaptability." Data analyzed includes establishment, root depths, tiller counts, and quality.
"TURF 95-8"
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Engelke, M. C., and J. M. Arnold. 1995. 1993 NTEP sand-modified bentgrass green evaluations at TAES-Dallas. Tex Turfgrass Res. p. 42-47.
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