Full TGIF Record # 63456
Item 1 of 1
Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Secks, M. E.; Richardson, M. D.; West, C. P.; Marlatt, M. L.; Murphy, J. B.
Author Affiliation:University of Arkansas
Title:The role of trehalose in desiccation tolerance of endophyte-infected tall fescue
Section:Turfgrass science
Other records with the "Turfgrass science" Section
Meeting Info.:Salt Lake City, UT: October 31 - November 4, 1999
Source:1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. Vol. 91, 1999, p. 134.
Publishing Information:[Madison, WI]: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America
# of Pages:1
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Trehalose; Desiccation; Resistance; Festuca arundinacea; Endophytic fungi; Endophytes; Drought resistance; Growth; Carbohydrates
Abstract/Contents:"Tall fescue infected with a fungal endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum) has increased survival under heat and drought conditions compared to non-infected tall fescue. However, the mechanism for endophyte-enhanced drought tolerance is unclear. Trehalose, a disaccharide, is a known osmoprotectant in desiccation tolerant organisms. To determine whether trehalose is a factor in desiccation tolerance of endophyte cultures and endophyte-infected plants, carbohydrate analysis using gas chromatography was conducted. Endophyte cultures subjected to stress conditions on osmotically adjusted growth media exhibited growth differences and changes in carbohydrate profiles. A field drought study comparing growth and carbohydrate responses of well-watered and water-stressed grasses will be discussed."
Note:This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Secks, M. E., M. D. Richardson, C. P. West, M. L. Marlatt, and J. B. Murphy. 1999. The role of trehalose in desiccation tolerance of endophyte-infected tall fescue. Annu. Meet. Abstr. 91:p. 134.
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