Full TGIF Record # 69380
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Author(s):Nakamura, Naohiko; Nakamae, Hiroko
Author Affiliation:Department of Agriculture, Kobe University, Japan
Title:Kumamoto kei himekoraishiba no seiiku chousa
Translated Title:Investigation for growing behavior of Zoysia matrella L. cv. Himekorai strain "Kumamoto": Comparison of growing behavior and flavonoid composition with the native strain
Article Series:Trials on the growth of Kumamoto Zoysia, Part 2
Section:Research articles
Other records with the "Research articles" Section
Source:Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green SectionResearch Center] [Gurin Kenkyo Hokokushu]. Vol. 36, March 1979, p. 39-43.
Publishing Information:Takarazuka, Japan: Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center [Kansi Goruhu Renmei Gurin Kenkyujo]
# of Pages:5
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Zoysia matrella; Growth; Growth habit; Establishment; Establishment rate
Cultivar Names:Kumamoto
Abstract/Contents:"Runners of Zoysia matrella L. cv. Himekorai, strain 'Kumamoto' and the native strain, were planted in field. During the period of establishing turf, the patterns of their growth and the flavonoid composition were investigated. In the early stage, strain 'Kumamoto' was growing more progressively than the native strain. In the initial period of establishing turf, however, the former showed the less covering rate than the latter, resulting from the growing behavior of the former's branches to tend to concentrate in the bases. At the final period, strain 'Kumamoto' produced branches all around and no difference between both their covering rates was found. In a two-dimentional paper chromatogram, 11 flavonoid compounds were detected, and seven of them were putatively identified as flavonols and four as flavones. Out of these compounds, spot No.1 (kaempferol derivative) was found only in strain 'Kumamoto', and spot No.3 (kaemferol 3,7-0-diglycoside) was contained in the native strain at higher level than in strain 'Kumamoto'. These patterns were found in November as same as March. Resulting from the flavonoid composition, it is suggested that both strains are near phylogenetically and that strain 'Kumamoto' separated from the native strain as the mutant, in addition, that the characterestic [characteristic] difference of growth is due to the genetic difference. The effect of spot No.1 contained in only strain 'Kumamoto' for the growing behavior was discussed."
See Also:See also Part 1, "Kumamotokei himekouraishiba no ikusei cyousa: Syoki seiiku no tokusei [Trials on the growth of Kumamoto Zoysia: The character of the growth in the first stage]", March 1978, p. 53-55, R=79283 R=79283
Note:English summary appears
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Nakamura, N., and H. Nakamae. 1979. Kumamoto kei himekoraishiba no seiiku chousa. (In Japanese) Turf Res. Bull. 36:p. 39-43.
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