Full TGIF Record # 69382
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Maekubo, Nobuo; Yamada, Akira; Saitou, Seiko
Author Affiliation:Maekubo, Yamada, and Saitou: KGU Green Research Center
Title:Gesui odei no shibafu ni taisuru kouka ni tuite: Jyukinnzokurui no bunnseki
Translated Title:The effect of sludge on turfgrass growing: Analyse of heavy metal
Article Series:The effect of sludge on turfgrass growing, Part 3
Section:Research article
Other records with the "Research article" Section
Source:Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green SectionResearch Center] [Gurin Kenkyo Hokokushu]. Vol. 36, March 1979, p. 52-57.
Publishing Information:Takarazuka, Japan: Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center [Kansi Goruhu Renmei Gurin Kenkyujo]
# of Pages:6
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Sewage sludge; Natural organic fertilizers; Heavy metals; Growth
See Also:See also part 4, "Odeishiyou kuiki no ganyukinzokurui no tsuiseki jikken [The effect of sludge on turfgrass growing: Analysis of heavy metal]", Vol. 39, August 1980, p. 49-57, R=79466 R=79466

See also part 5, "Kouso wo riyousita kansouozei no ippanhiryou to no hikou oyobi, kakakutou ni tsuiteno taihicyousa [The effect of sludge on turfgrass growing: Field test]", Vol. 39, August 1980, p. 59-62, R=79467 R=79467

See also part 5, "Odeishiyou kuiki no ganyuu kinzokurui no tsuiseki cyousa kenkyu [The effect of sludge on turfgrass growing: Analysis of heavy metal]", Vol. 42, March 1982, p. 39-49, R=79516 R=79516

See also part 6, "Odeishiyou kuiki no ganyuu kinzokurui no tsuiseki cyousa kenkyu [The effect of sludge on turfgrass growing: Analyse of heavy metal]", Vol. 43, August 1982, p. 65-84, R=79527 R=79527
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Maekubo, N., A. Yamada, and S. Saitou. 1979. Gesui odei no shibafu ni taisuru kouka ni tuite: Jyukinnzokurui no bunnseki. (In Japanese) Turf Res. Bull. 36:p. 52-57.
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