Full TGIF Record # 73109
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Author(s):McCarty, L. B. "Bert"
Author Affiliation:Ph.D., and Coordinating Author, Professor, Department of Horticulture, Clemson University
Monograph Title:Best Golf Course Management Practices, 2001.
Volume Editors:Yarnell, Debbie
Publishing Information:Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
# of Pages:714
Collation:xxvi, 672 pp., [16] plates
Related Web URL:https://books.google.com/books?id=DVzuPAAACAAJ
    Last checked: 11/19/2019
    Notes: Item description page
    Last checked: 11/19/2019
    Notes: Item description page
    Last checked: 11/19/2019
    Notes: Table of contents
Evaluative Review:Appears in HortTechnology, 11(2) April-June 2001, p. 332-333, by J. Scott Ebdon.
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Best management practices; Golf course management; Golf course development; Golf course construction; Choice of cultivar; Installation; Renovation; Fertilization program; Irrigation program; Irrigation systems; Soil management; Soil properties; Pest control decision rules; Light relations; Cultural methods
Abstract/Contents:"Grasses are the most important agricultural plants in the world. In addition to providing a wide variety of food, they help stabilize various environments, furnish a large group of ornamental grasses for horticultural uses, and provide the major plants used as turf in lawns, parks, sports fields and golf courses. Golf course in the United States impact the economy at an estimated $20 billion each year. More important, turfgrasses provide soil erosion control, dust stabilization, heat dissipation, noise abatement, air pollution control, safety to competitive athletic participants, and increased property values. They are an integral component of the landscape." Includes: Preface; Acknowledgments; Best Turfgrasses for Golf Courses (Turfgrasses; and Plant Growth and Development); Best Soil Management Practices (Soil Chemical Properties; Soil Mineral Properties; Soil Oxygen and Temperature Properties; and Soil Organisms); Best Golf Course Construction and Establishment Practices (Golf Course Construction and Renovation; Putting Green Construction; and Turfgrass Establishment and "Grow-In"); Best Turfgrass Fertilization Practices (Plant Nutrition and Turf Fertilizers; Developing Turf Fertilizer Programs; and Fertilizer Calculations); Best Golf Course Irrigation Practices (Water Management in Turf; Irrigation Water Quality; and Effluent Wastewater Use on Turf); Best Turfgrass Management Practices (Cultural Practices for Golf Courses; Management Practices Affecting Putting Speed; Overseeding; Managing Bentgrass Golf Greens; and Managing Bermudagrass Golf Greens); Best Pest Management and Control Practices (Integrated Pest Management; Turfgrass Diseases; Turfgrass Insects; Turfgrass Nematodes; Turfgrass Weeds; Turfgrass Plant Growth Regulators; and Activated Charcoal to Deactivate Pesticides); Best Pesticide and Nutrient Management and Handling Practices (Effective, Safe, and Legal Use of Pesticides; Best Golf Course Environmental Protection Strategies; and Sprayer and Spreader Calibration); Glossary; [Appendices] (Stoke's Equation for Calculating the Velocity of a Falling Particle and Darcy's Equation for Calculating Hydraulic Conductivity; Calculating Soil Porosity; and Calibration Formulas and Metric Conversion Tables); and Index.
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Golf courses -- Management; Turf management
See Also:See also second edition, Best Golf Course Management Practices: Construction, Watering, Fertilizing, Cultural Practices, and Pest Management Strategies to Maintain Golf Course Turf With Minimal Environmental Impact, 2005, R=101246. R=101246

See also third edition, Best Golf Course Management Practices: Construction, Watering, Fertilizing, Cultural Practices, and Pest Management Strategies to Maintain Golf Course Turf with Minimal Environmental Impact, 2011, R=183869. R=183869

See also later Japanese edition, Gorufu Kosu Kanri Besuto Manejimento: Kankyo Fuka o Saishogen ni Osaetsutsu Gorufujo Tafu no Zosei Sansui Sehi Koshu Sagyo Oyobi Byochugai Bojo o Okonau Tame no Kanri Senryaku: [Volume] 1, 2012, R=309243. R=309243

See also later Japanese edition, Gorufu Kosu Kanri Besuto Manejimento: Kankyo Fuka o Saishogen ni Osaetsutsu Gorufujo Tafu no Zosei Sansui Sehi Koshu Sagyo Oyobi Byochugai Bojo o Okonau Tame no Kanri Senryaku: [Volume] 2, 2014, R=309244. R=309244

See also fourth edition, Golf Turf Management, 2018, R=302733. R=302733
See Also:Other items relating to: BOOKS
Note:Line drawings
Hole layouts
Pictures, color & b/w
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"An extensive reference guide on turfgrass culture of golf courses. The eight sections address turfgrasses, soils, construction and establishment, fertilization, irrigation, management practices, pest management, and pesticide and nutrient management. There is a glossary and a small list of selected references in the back." p. 282
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
Annotation from
Golf Course Design,
by Geoffrey S. Cornish and Michael J. Hurdzan:
"This book is a compilation of articles written by turfgrass scientists from around the country with sections on best grasses, soil management practices, construction and establishment guidelines, fertilization programs, irrigation suggestions, management, pest control, pesticide and nutrient methods with accompanying charts, graphs and photos to illustrate." p. 120
Cornish & Hurdzan Ratings:D1; C3; M5
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
McCarty, L. B. "Bert". 2001. Best Golf Course Management Practices. Yarnell, Debbie (ed.) First. ed. xxvi, 672 pp., [16] plates. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
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