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Material Type: | Book |
Monographic Author(s): | Abramashvili, G. G. |
Monograph Title: | Ustkchivyye Gazony Dlya Sporta I Otdykha, 1970. |
Translated Monographic Title: | [Sustainable Lawns for Sports and Recreation] or [Construction of Amenity Turf Areas for Sport and Leisure] or [Long-Lasting Turfed Areas for Sport and Leisure] |
Publishing Information: | Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Izdatel'stvo Literatury Po Stroitel'stvu |
# of Pages: | 103 |
Collation: | 103 pp. |
Evaluative Review: | Appears in The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, 1970, p. 175. |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Sports turf; Site preparation; Soils
Abstract/Contents: | "V knige osveshchen mnogoletniy opyt raboty avtora po sozdaniyu ustoychivykh sportivnykh gazonov. V ney rasskazyvayetsya ob osobennostyakh vryashchivaniya gazonnykh trav, pokazano, kak vliyayut pochvy, rezhim pitaniya i drugiye faktory na razvitiye dernovogo pokrova. Privoditsya novyy metod diagnostiki pitaniya trav. Dany rekomendatsii po ukhodu za gazonami. Kniga rasschitana na spetsialistov, zanimayushchikhsya ustroystvom gazonov i ozeleneniyem naselennykh mest. [The book highlights the author's many years of experience in creating sustainable sports turfs. It tells about the features of growing lawn grasses, shows how soils, diet and other factors influence the development of turf cover. A new method for diagnosing herbal nutrition is presented. Recommendations for lawn care are given. The book is intended for specialists involved in the construction of lawns and landscaping of populated areas.]" |
Language: | Russian |
References: | 30 |
Note: | "pl. vyp. 70, poz. 47" "3-2-2" Abstract from summary on p. 2 Schematics Landscape plans Drawings Pictures, b/w Figures Tables Graphs |
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard: | "This small book addresses the safety and effectiveness of turfgrasses as used on sport fields. The existing research is reviewed, along with the authors experience in the art and science of turfgrass culture. The impacts of soils, nutrient regimes, and other cultural practices on the development of turfgrasses are discussed. It is oriented to professionals responsible for the culture of turfgrasses for sport and recreation in Russia." p. 145 |
Beard Section Heading: | Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Abramashvili, G. G. 1970. Ustkchivyye Gazony Dlya Sporta I Otdykha. 103 pp. Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Izdatel'stvo Literatury Po Stroitel'stvu. |
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