Full TGIF Record # 74271
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Brandenburg, R. L.; Schoeman, A. S.; Hertl, P. T.
Author Affiliation:Brandenburg and Hertl: North Carolina State University; Schoeman: University of Pretoria
Title:Management of turfgrass insects in South Africa: Recent research and challenges
Other records with the "Abstracts" Section
Meeting Info.:Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 15-21 July, 2001
Source:IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. Vol. 9, 2001, p. 48.
Publishing Information:[Toronto, Canada]: International Turfgrass Society
# of Pages:1
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Gryllotalpa africana; Aphodius; Life Cycle; Insect surveys; Insect control; Mole crickets; Grubs; Coleoptera; Ecology; Pest profile; Insect pests; Injuries by insects; Comparisons; Population dynamics
Geographic Terms:South Africa
Abstract/Contents:"Studies of three insect pests in South Africa, a native mole cricket, Gryllotalpa africana Palisot de Beauvois, Aphodius grubs, Aphodius pseudolividus Balthasar, and a rove beetle, Neosorius brevipennis Fagel have revealed a similar ecology and impact on turfgrass as compared to related species on turfgrass in the U. S. The mole crickets construct a tunnel structure similar to that observed in the southeastern U. S. While mole cricket females were attracted to a synthetic acoustic sound trap, there were no apparent peak periods of attraction. The similarities of distribution of life stages found in the summer reflect similar trends with mole cricket development in the southeastern U. S. Populations of rove beetles appear on putting greens, collars, and approaches and produced as many as nine 'pushups' or soil mounds per cup cutter. The number of mounds indicate a common tunnel structure for the population. Most adults and larvae were found in the first 75 mm of soil below the surface. Aphodius grubs were observed causing severe damage to creeping bentgrass putting greens with populations as high as 29 grubs in a standard cup cutter sample (10.8 cm diameter). Populations at this level caused significant turfgrass injury while populations below 10 grubs per cup cutter core produced little visable turfgrass injury."
Note:Reprint appears in North Carolina Turfgrass, October/November 2001, p. 38-39
This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Brandenburg, R. L., A. S. Schoeman, and P. T. Hertl. 2001. Management of turfgrass insects in South Africa: Recent research and challenges. Int. Turfgrass Res. Conf. 9:p. 48.
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