Full TGIF Record # 78291
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Kamon, Y.
Author Affiliation:Kansai Golf Union Green Research Center
Title:Shiba to hiryou ni kansuru kisoteki kenkyu: Hiryou genso ketubou ga kourai shiba ni ataeru eikyou
Translated Title:Effects of fertilizers for turfgrass
Article Series:Effects of fertilizers for turfgrass, Part 1
Section:Research articles
Other records with the "Research articles" Section
Source:Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center] [Gurin Kenkyo Hokokushu]. Vol. 18, February 1970, p. 41-47.
Publishing Information:Takarazuka, Japan: Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center [Kansi Goruhu Renmei Gurin Kenkyujo]
# of Pages:7
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Fertilization; Fertilization rates; Application methods; Zoysia japonica
Cultivar Names:Korean Common
Abstract/Contents:"This experiment is fundamental sutdy on turfgrass and fertilizer. This experiment object is grass absent symptom of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium magnesia, chlorine and sulfur in Zoysiagrass on sand culture. In leaf color, nitrogen absence is light green, phosphorus absence is dard green, potassium absa[e]nce is alike nitrogen absence, but leaf is longer. m[M]agnesia absence breeds yellow spots of 1~2 mm in center of leaves and other area is dirty green. In turfgrass growth, it is bad to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesia absence. Potassiium absence's and magnesia absence's T/R rate is twice of perfect pot's it. Sulfur absence's T/R rate is one-forth of perfect pot's it, and leaves length is a harf of perfect pot's it. Potassium needs growth of root. Only chlorine absence shows a sign of damage from a brought in same watering condition."
See Also:See also part 2, August 1970, p. 57-59, R=78301 R=78301

See also part 3, August 1971, p. 39-43, R=78879 R=78879

See also part 4, February 1972, p. 35-39, R=78895 R=78895
Note:English summary appears
Pictures, b/w
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Kamon, Y. 1970. Shiba to hiryou ni kansuru kisoteki kenkyu: Hiryou genso ketubou ga kourai shiba ni ataeru eikyou. (In Japanese) Turf Res. Bull. 18:p. 41-47.
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