Full TGIF Record # 78340
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Richardson, Michael D.
Author Affiliation:University of Arkansas
Title:Establishment and management of seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone
Section:Integrated turfgrass management
Other records with the "Integrated turfgrass management" Section
Source:2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. 2001, p. 9.
Publishing Information:Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association
# of Pages:1
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Trinexapac-ethyl; Transition zone; Cynodon dactylon; Seeding; Establishment; Weed control; Activated charcoal; Postemergence herbicides; Preemergence herbicides; Morphology; Cold resistance; Fertilizers; Growth regulators; Growing degree days; MSMA; Dicamba; Metsulfuron methyl; 2,4-D; Clopyralid; Diclofop; Quinclorac; Oxadiazon; Prodiamine; Diuron; Seeding rate; Seeding time; Nitrogen fertility
Cultivar Names:Princess; Jackpot; Mirage; Mohawk; Nu-Mex Sahara; Yukon
Trade Names:Primo
See Also:See also related manuscript, Establishment and Management of Seeded Bermudagrass in the Transition Zone: [2000 Annual Report], 2000, R=215082. R=215082

See also related book, Establishment and Management of Seeded Bermudagrass in the Transition Zone, [2000], R=306599. R=306599

See also related slide set, Establishment and Management of Seeded Bermudagrass in the Transition Zone, [2002], R=197440. R=197440
See Also:Other items relating to: M S M A

Other items relating to: 2, 4 - D in Turf
See Also:Other Reports from this USGA research project: 2000-03-170
Note:Reprint appears on Seed Research of Oregon website, 2001, p. 1
Pictures, color
USGA Summary Points:Charcoal planting was an effective means of germinating bermudagrass seeds in the presence of pre-emergence herbicides and the rows of bermudagrass could produce a significant cover in approximately six weeks. However, these studies were attempted many times during both the 2000 and 2001 growing seasons and it was difficult to produce consistent results. Seeding date had a significant effect on winter survival in the 2000 test, with April and May planting dates having higher recovery rates than June or July planting dates. Late-season applications of the growth regulator, Primo, significantly reduced winter survival of 'Princess' bermudagrass, while late-season N fertility had no effect on winter survival.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Richardson, M. D. 2001. Establishment and management of seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone. Turfgrass Environ Res. Summ. p. 9.
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