Full TGIF Record # 85310
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    Last checked: 01/23/2017
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Turco, Ronald F.
Author Affiliation:Purdue University
Title:Innovative water quality management utilizing wetlands construction on a golf course
Section:Environmental impact of golf
Other records with the "Environmental impact of golf" Section
Source:2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. 2002, p. 35.
Publishing Information:Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association
# of Pages:1
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Habitat improvement; Water quality; Constructed wetlands; Golf courses; Surface runoff; Environmental protection; Irrigation water; Golf courses in the environment
See Also:Other Reports from this USGA research project: 1998-42-150
Note:Pictures, color
USGA Summary Points:Recycled water, water that has been treated in the wetland, is now being used for golf course irrigation lessening the need to pump groundwater. The wetland system is very effective at removing nitrogen from incoming runoff water. This confirms the value of the wetland as a treatment system. Dye tracer studies indicate that water takes from three to five days to traverse even a small cell, and the wetland cell needs to be designed to increase the resident time of the water in the cell. Dye tracer studies indicate that in small wetland systems wind can have a significant affect [effect] on the distribution of materials.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Turco, R. F. 2002. Innovative water quality management utilizing wetlands construction on a golf course. Turfgrass Environ Res. Summ. p. 35.
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