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Author(s):Starrett, Steve; Su, Yunsheng
Author Affiliation:Starrett: Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Kansas State University, Kansas; Su: Former Graduate Research Assistant, Civil Engineering Department, Kansas State University, Kansas
Title:Nutrient and sediment runoff from a prairie golf course: Tracking runoff offers important insights for management
Section:Research you can use
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Source:USGA Green Section Record. Vol. 41, No. 2, March/April 2003, p. 16-18.
Publishing Information:Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Golf courses; Nutrients; Surface runoff; Grasslands; Water quality; Watersheds; Streams; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Sediment pollution; Fertilization; Golf course development; Golf course construction; Erosion control
Abstract/Contents:Investigates "the impact on golf course construction on water quality" during a five-year research project by Kansas State University by comparing "nutrient runoff losses from the new golf course with nutrient losses when the site was in its previous prairie condition." The site studied was the Little Kitten Creek watershed, where the Colbert Hills Golf Course community was built in Manhattan, Kansas. Explains that "more than 900 surface water samples were collected and tested from three time periods": pre-construction, during construction, and early stage of golf course operation. Results found that "concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorous were significantly greater during the construction period compared to pre-construction" and that the water quality was the worst during construction and improved greatly during operation of the golf course. States that "total sediment load was reduced to levels even lower than that of the native prairie. Nutrient concentrations in streams were greatly improved during operation from the construction period, but still higher than the native prairie levels. Soil erosion is the major source of stream nutrients in native prairie conditions and during construction."
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Starrett, S., and Y. Su. 2003. Nutrient and sediment runoff from a prairie golf course: Tracking runoff offers important insights for management. USGA Green Sec. Rec. 41(2):p. 16-18.
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