Full TGIF Record # 90033
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Author(s):Cornish, Geoffrey S.
Author Affiliation:M.S. and Section of Agrostology, University of Massachusetts
Monograph Title:Your Lawn, 1951.
Publishing Information:New York, New York: Authentic Publications, Inc.
# of Pages:48
Collation:48 pp.
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Preface; Mowing; Watering; Hose and Sprinklers; Rolling; Fertilizing; Soil Testing and Liming; Topdressing; Aeration; Crabgrass Control; Weeds and Weeding; 2-4-D, The Wonder Weed Killer; Insects and Earthworms; Control of Insects and Earthworms; Fungus Diseases and Scums; Small Animals and Crawfish; Lawn Grasses for the Northern States; Purchasing and Mixing Seed; Lawn Grasses for the Southern States; Renovating a Poor Lawn; Lawns in the Shade; Ground Covers, Temporary Lawns and Cover Crops; Establishing Lawns on Peat Soils; Building New Lawns; Sodding and Vegetative Planting; Bent Grass Lawns; Some Special Problems in Lawn Construction; and Let Me Ask You.
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Lawns; Pelouses; Lawns (landscaped grass)
Note:"With Illustrations by Carol Burr Gawthrop, University of Massachusetts"
Cover title: Your Lawn: Save Time and Money
Line drawings
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"A small book on lawn planting and care. It is practically oriented to lawn enthusiasts and conditions in North America." p. 609
Beard Section Heading:Post-1950 general lawn and landscape books: Post-1950 general lawn books
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Cornish, Geoffrey S. 1951. Your Lawn. 48 pp. New York, New York: Authentic Publications, Inc.
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