The TIC Endowment

Endowment Goals

Support Turfgrass Scholarship and Education

The endowment will provide the financial resources to ensure the ongoing operation of the Turfgrass Information Center. TIC activities continue an ongoing 50+ year effort to collect, inventory, and provide access to the literature of turf science and turf culture, with the Turfgrass Information File (TGIF) database serving as the ONLY bibliographic database to exclusively target these areas. (Click here for a database content comparison.) Supporting the TIC means directly supporting turfgrass research and education - most turfgrass scholars, including certificate, technical, undergraduate students, graduate students, and continuing education programs depend on TGIF as their primary resource for identifying turf-related literature of the past and present.

Support Turfgrass Practitioners

In an era of increasingly restricted chemical use and water availability, an ever-wider range of techniques and tools will be needed by managers to respond to user expectations. The TGIF database aims to provide access to better information to those in the field, which converts to more effective management of turf facilities, whether athletic fields, golf courses, or other managed landscapes.

Increase Electronic Access to Full Text

While over 60% of the database links to the full-text of the item, a large portion still does not. Unless the item has been loaded online by copyright-holders, users interested in reading the entire item typically need to request a copy from a library or some other provider. Funding from the endowment will support the continued and expanded addition of full-text content when publisher or rights-holder approval can be secured.

Expand Worldwide Access to the Turfgrass Information File (TGIF) database

The full online database is currently available only to TGIF Academic Consortium members, members of participating organizations, corporations, and annual members. Full funding of the endowment will allow open access to additional materials within the database for all users at no charge. This will enable all researchers, students, and practitioners anywhere in the world to access significant portions of this informational resource.

Expand Coverage

Another objective is to continue to expand the body of literature that is covered by the databases. Turf managers are increasingly required to engage in a wider range of land management issues, such as watershed and habitat management, land restoration and rehabilitation, water quality concerns, user safety issues, and environmental monitoring. Increased funding would be used to provide a fuller representation of publications, print and electronic, relating to these and other important turf-related issues.

The Bottom Line

The TIC is the vehicle by which the information required to support research, education and management is made available for all of these efforts. Without your support, there is a risk that this established and essential resource could disappear. Support the TIC Endowment and guarantee the continuation and expansion of the informational underpinning for the world of turf management.

Pledge Form

If you would like to make a financial contribution online, please visit the Giving to MSU website.

To donate to the Turfgrass Information Center Endowment, choose "Turfgrass Information Center at the MSU Libraries" with the letter "E" in an orange circle.
Please also consider the "Susan F. and Clifford H. Haka Endowment for the Turfgrass Information Center at the MSU Libraries".

Contributions to the Turfgrass Information Center (TIC) will fund an endowment. The annual interest generated by the principle, which will remain untouched, will be available to guarantee the ongoing operation of the Turfgrass Information Center, regardless of fluctuations in State and/or University support.

If you wish to discuss a personal gift or corporate sponsorship, including the possibility of recognition of support, please contact MSU Libraries Director of Development, Caitlyn Dial, by email at:

Other Ways to Help

  • Donate needed materials to the Collection, and encourage others to do the same. See our specific donation needs.
  • Support the TIC Endowment by encouraging other individuals, organizations, and groups to become involved.
  • Encourage your local, state/provincial, national, or international organizations to become a digital cooperator, and to make their publication(s) available to the turfgrass world. Read more about the Challenge of Full-Text Access for the Turfgrass Literature.
  • Volunteer time at the Center. Your expertise can help the indexing of print and visual materials.

Thank you for your support of the Collections, TGIF database, and TIC services in these various ways.


Reed Mackenzie

"The Turfgrass Information Center already is THE Library of the turfgrass industry, and as it grows and matures, it will become the premiere source of information for turfgrass students, educators, and practitioners. Everyone in the industry has much to gain in seeing it succeed, and it is incumbent on each of us to support the Center so that its full potential can be realized." 
Reed Mackenzie
Past President, United States Golf Association

More about the USGA support for the Endowment Campaign

Art Hills

"The TIC, by indexing and abstracting virtually everything that exists about turfgrass, insures that researchers, students, and practitioners all have access to the information necessary to move the world of turf management forward. It is imperative that this irreplaceable resource be placed on a secure financial basis. Your one-time gift to this endowment will provide the ongoing funds that will insure its continuation."
Arthur Hills
Golf Course Architect
Hills & Forrest International Golf Course Architects

Frank Rossi

"In this information age, access is the first step. The TIC is the most comprehensive collection of turfgrass information for homeowners, students, legislators, professionals, researchers, and specialists. It is easy to use and the service is impeccable. I recommend a visit to the TIC for anyone needing information on the art and science of turfgrass management." 
Frank S. Rossi, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Turfgrass Science, Cornell University and New York State Extension Turfgrass Specialist

James B Beard

"The Turfgrass Information Center is a unique and valuable resource for turfgrass scholars/researchers, as it offers rapid, complete online information retrieval."
Dr. James B Beard
Late President, International Sports Turf Institute, Inc.
and Professor Emeritus of Turfgrass Science
Texas A&M University

"TIC is simply the world's best library of turfgrass and golf course maintenance information. The USGA's support of this one-of-a-kind collection will help ensure the continued availability of this critical resource for generations to come."
John O'Neill
Former Chairman
USGA's Green Section Committee

"Golf Course Superintendents, who manage and maintain the game's most valuable asset, use the Turfgrass Information File as a window to identify the research and turf management information necessary. The turfgrass literature is the foundation for achieving excellence in executing the superintendent's primary responsibility, which is why the GCSAA encourages your support of this campaign."
Steve Mona, CAE
Former CEO, World Golf Foundation and
Former Chief Executive Officer
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America

The Need for Your Support

"Ensuring that the literature of turfgrass will be collected, organized and made available to students, researchers and practitioners is what the Turfgrass Information Center is all about. The campaign to Endow the Center is designed to guarantee that this work will be maintained in perpetuity. This is a crucial endeavor that deserves the support of everyone associated with the world of turfgrass."

Clifford H. Haka
Director Emeritus of MSU Libraries, home of the Turfgrass Information Center


The Turfgrass Information Center would like to thank these major donors & supporters to the TIC Endowment:

gcsaa logo scotts logoO.J. Noer Research Foundation toro logosyngenta global logo
ASGCA logo  STMA new  canadian golf supers logoHills Forrest Mastheadtpi logo