| Alternate fungicides to control turfgrass diseases
| Beard, James B. 1974. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. July. 48(7): p. 16, 18.
| More ↔ | 199880 |
| Tailor controls to specific fairy ring fungus
| Beard, James B. 1974. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. June. 48(6): p. 17-18, 50.
| More ↔ | 199821 |
| Zonate eyespot on bentgrass: A future problem?
| Beard, James B. 1974. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. May. 48(5): p. 6.
| More | 200271 |
| Nitrogen contributes to thatch accumulation
| Beard, James B. 1974. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. April. 48(4): p. 18, 22.
| More ↔ | 200213 |
| Which turfgrasses withstand wear and tear best
| Beard, James B. 1974. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. January. 48(1): p. 24-25, 88.
| More ↔ | 200150 |
| Overseeding: Which grasses are best
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. November/December. 47(10): p. 18, 21.
| More | 198594 |
| Trees impair turfgrass growth
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. September/October. 47(9): p. 19, 21, 59.
| More | 198553 |
| When is nitrogen detrimental to turf?
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. August. 47(8): p. 19.
| More | 198537 |
| Nematodes: A problem on cool-season grasses
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. July. 47(7): p. 12, 54.
| More | 198507 |
| Effects of temperatures on Penncross growth
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. June. 47(6): p. 12, 49.
| More | 197635 |
| Poa annua: Continued research
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. May. 47(5): p. 12.
| More | 198473 |
| Achieving Pythium control
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. March. 47(3): p. 14, 18, 21, 23.
| More | 198416 |
| How much arsenic for control?
| Beard, James B. 1973. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. February. 47(2): p. 13-14, 18, 64.
| More ♻ | 198388 |
| Poa annua: Still holds surprises
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. October/November. 46(10): p. 18, 21-22, 25, 70.
| More ↔ | 200933 |
| How quickly can sod take root?
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. August. 46(8): p. 14, 16-17.
| More ↔ | 200896 |
| Sulfur deficiency: A potential problem
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. July. 46(7): p. 18, 20, 22.
| More ↔ | 200886 |
| Endothall control of Poa annua
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. June. 46(6): p. 24, 26-27.
| More ↔ ♻ | 200879 |
| Warm water: Mild effect on soil temperature
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. May. 46(5): p. 17, 20.
| More ↔ | 200860 |
| Root growth of Poa annua not inferior
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. April. 46(4): p. 14, 17.
| More ↔ | 200820 |
| Automatic irrigation control to increase water efficiency
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. March. 46(3): p. 16, 101-102.
| More | 200762 |
| Influences on water use rate of Penncross creeping bentgrass
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. February. 46(2): p. 26, 29-31.
| More ↔ | 200754 |
| Bent resistance to snow mold
| Beard, James B. 1972. Golfdom: The Business Magazine of Golf. January. 46(1): p. 14.
| More ↔ | 200704 |
| Nematode control
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. October/November. 45(10): p. 24, 26, 60.
| More | 199036 |
| Winter overseeding: The ideal turfgrass variety
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. September. 45(9): p. 19, 22-23.
| More | 198998 |
| Rooting ability of sod grown on two soil types
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. August. 45(8): p. 21-22, 50.
| More | 198971 |
| Report on nutritional studies
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. July. 45(7): p. 18.
| More | 198959 |
| Evaluation of various types of mulches
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. June. 45(6): p. 16, 20.
| More | 198943 |
| Identifying Agrostis cultivars
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. May. 45(5): p. 32, 35, 38.
| More | 198935 |
| Controls of potentially serious pests
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. April. 45(4): p. 21-22, 25.
| More | 198917 |
| How pollution affects turfgrasses
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. March. 45(3): p. 32, 35, 38.
| More | 198900 |
| Use of benomyl to control dollar spot
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. February. 45(2): p. 31, 35, 38, 40.
| More | 198894 |
| Chances for turfgrass survival during flooding
| Beard, James B. 1971. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. January. 45(1): p. 30, 39, 42-43.
| More | 198852 |
| Controlling bluegrass during bermudagrass overseeding
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. October/November. 44(10): p. 29, 32, 35, 38, 41.
| More | 196573 |
| Threat of a new St. Augustine-grass virus
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. September. 44(9): p. 24, 26, 28.
| More | 196445 |
| Wetting agents are not cure-alls
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. August. 44(8): p. 20, 22, 24.
| More | 196420 |
| Rate of evapotranspiration from turf
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. July. 44(7): p. 24, 26-28.
| More | 196354 |
| Affects of antitranspirants on plant growth
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. June. 44(6): p. 19, 22, 24, 26.
| More | 196333 |
| The effects of nitrogen on Washington creeping bentgrass
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. May. 44(5): p. 26, 29, 32, 34.
| More | 196222 |
| How nitrogen fertilizers affect Washington creeping bentgrass
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. April. 44(4): p. 22, 26, 32, 36.
| More | 195933 |
| What are the nutritional requirements of annual bluegrass?
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. March. 44(3): p. 22, 24.
| More | 195905 |
| Balancing nitrogen-potassium nutrition in turfgrasses
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. February. 44(2): p. 32, 34, 36.
| More | 195679 |
| How photoperiod, cold treatment affect rhizome and tiller development
| Beard, James B. 1970. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. January. 44(1): p. 14, 19.
| More | 195665 |
| Seed production and maturation in annual bluegrass
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. October/November. 43(10): p. 15, 18, 20.
| More | 195496 |
| How light affects certain turfgrasses
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. September. 43(9): p. 24, 28.
| More | 195479 |
| Responses of bluegrasses and red fescues to nitrogen fertilization
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. August. 43(8): p. 26, 28.
| More | 195468 |
| Response of three bluegrasses to varied temperatures
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. July. 43(7): p. 23-24.
| More | 195453 |
| Evaluating performances of overseeded grasses
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. June. 43(6): p. 25-26, 30.
| More | 195433 |
| Turfgrass variety evaluations
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. May. 43(5): p. 38.
| More | 195404 |
| Effects of cutting and nitrogen levels on bluegrass varieties
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. April. 43(4): p. 73.
| More | 195391 |
| How compaction affects turf
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. March. 43(3): p. 74.
| More | 195141 |
| Winter fertilization: A new concept
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. February. 43(2): p. 67.
| More | 195121 |
| Observations on bentgrass puffiness
| Beard, James B. 1969. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. January. 43(1): p. 68, 70.
| More | 195074 |
| Discussion of soil heating, thatch development
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. October/November. 42(10): p. 23, 65, 81.
| More | 197538 |
| Reports on soil problems
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. September. 42(9): p. 21-22.
| More ↔ | 197461 |
| Latest developments in new grasses
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. August. 42(8): p. 29-30.
| More | 197424 |
| [Information on five newly developed turfgrass varieties]
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. July. 42(7): p. 27-28, 30.
| More | 197348 |
| [Information on four newly developed turfgrass varieties]
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. June. 42(6): p. 17-18.
| More | 197282 |
| [Research review on thatch decomposition, and physiological and color aspects of turf]
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. May. 42(5): p. 23-24.
| More ↔ | 197272 |
| [Research review of turf diseases, vegetative establishment, and interrelationships between fertility and diseases]
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. April. 42(4): p. 23, 56.
| More ↔ | 197013 |
| [Research review on bentgrass herbicides, 1966 survey, salinity tolerance, and nitrogen sources for 'Tif-green' bermudagrass]
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. March. 42(3): p. 28, 30, 74.
| More ↔ | 196984 |
| [Research review of fungal disease development, winter injury, ryegrass growth, and colonial vs. creeping bentgrass]
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. February. 42(2): p. 18, 76, 78, 82, 85-86.
| More ↔ | 196699 |
| [Review of research on effects of sawdust, mowing heights, and nitrogen sources for turf]
| Beard, James B. 1968. Golfdom: Incorporating Golf Business. January. 42(1): p. 18, 23.
| More | 196476 |