Full TGIF Record # 110224
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Author(s):Frank, Kevin W.; O'Reilly, Kevin; Crum, Jim; Calhoun, Ron
Author Affiliation:Frank: Assistant Professor; O'Reilly: Graduate Student; Crum: Professor; Calhoun: Environmental Turfgrass Specialist; Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Title:Nitrogen fate in mature turf: Michigan State University research demonstrates how high rates of nitrogen fertilization to mature turf can result in unacceptable levels of nitrate leaching
Section:Research you can use
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Source:USGA Green Section Record. Vol. 44, No. 2, March/April 2006, p. 26-28.
Publishing Information:Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Nitrogen fate; Nitrogen fertilization; Leaching; Nitrate nitrogen; Age; Lysimeters; Application rates
Abstract/Contents:Describes research conducted at Michigan State University to determine the risk that turfgrass poses to the environment from nitrate leaching. Concludes that "future years of data collection will indicate whether the lowered high N rate results in consistently lower levels of NO3-N leaching."
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Frank, K. W., K. O'Reilly, J. Crum, and R. Calhoun. 2006. Nitrogen fate in mature turf: Michigan State University research demonstrates how high rates of nitrogen fertilization to mature turf can result in unacceptable levels of nitrate leaching. USGA Green Sec. Rec. 44(2):p. 26-28.
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