Full TGIF Record # 119925
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Q & A
Corporate Author(s):USGA Green Section
Title:Topdressing greens
Section:Our letter box
Other records with the "Our letter box" Section
Source:Turf Culture [II]. Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1941, p. 188.
Publishing Information:Washington, DC: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:1
Question:"Two of our greens are Cocoos bent and 16 are Washington bent. They have never been smooth. Since we topdress our greens only three times a year, I am wondering if more frequent topdressing would not help. What number of topdressings do you recommend during the six months of playing season, beginning in April?"
Source of Question:Illinois
Answer/Response:"Topdressing is ordinarily applied primarily for the purpose of truing the putting surface. Therefore, since your greens are not smooth, the chances are they would be improved by more frequent topdressing. Sometimes topdressing does not work down into the grass properly due to a heavy mat of grass. In such cases the greens remain irregular even when a liberal topdressing is applied and well worked in. When this condition develops it is well to rake the green thoroughly to remove as much of the excess grass as possible. The raking should be done when the grass is growing vigorously either in late summer, early fall, or spring. The smoothness of the green should be the guide as to the time for topdressing and the number of times it should be applied during the playing season. On some greens one or two topdressings a year are ample whereas under other conditions it is best to topdress lightly every other week."
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Agrostis; Golf green maintenance; Maintenance programs; Playing season; Recommendations; Topdressing program
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
USGA Green Section. 1941. Topdressing greens. Turf Culture [II]. 2(3):p. 188.
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