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Web URL(s): | https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/groot/article/2007nov21.pdf Last checked: 03/02/2009 Requires: PDF Reader |
Publication Type:
| Newsletter |
Author(s): | Soldat, Doug |
Author Affiliation: | Department of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Title: | Water conservation emerges as the big issue at National Turfgrass Research Conference |
Column Name: | Wisconsin soils report Other records with the "Wisconsin soils report" Column
Source: | The Grass Roots. Vol. 36, No. 6, November/December 2007, p. 21-23, 25. |
Publishing Information: | Madison, WI: Wisconsin Golf Course Superintendents Association. |
# of Pages: | 4 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Conferences; Water conservation; Water use; Irrigation water; Cultivar improvement; Water resources; Irrigation practices; Salt tolerance; Saline water; Irrigation scheduling; Irrigation system design; Subsurface irrigation; Drip irrigation; Irrigation uniformity; Irrigation efficiency
Abstract/Contents: | Discusses water conservation in the Midwestern United States, stating that "water-related issues are no longer relegated to the arid west, a fact made clear by the media coverage of the Atlanta [Georgia] water crisis [in] fall [2007]...Analogus situations exist in some of Wisconsin's population centers." Suggests that "the largest issue facing the green industry...is overcoming the negative public opinion on the impact of turfgrass areas on the environment." Highlights water conservation presentations given at the 2007 National Turfgrass Research Conference and mentions research conducted at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | Figures |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Soldat, D. 2007. Water conservation emerges as the big issue at National Turfgrass Research Conference. Grass Roots. 36(6):p. 21-23, 25. |
| Fastlink to access this record outside TGIF: https://tic.msu.edu/tgif/flink?recno=136547 |
| If there are problems with this record, send us feedback about record 136547. |
| Choices for finding the above item: |
| Web URL(s): https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/groot/article/2007nov21.pdf Last checked: 03/02/2009 Requires: PDF Reader |
| MSU catalog number: SB 433 .A1 G58 |
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