Full TGIF Record # 170610
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Web URL(s):https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/turfgrass1972/18/1/18_1_9/_pdf
    Last checked: 08/05/2013
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Ikehata, Michihito
Title:Utlization of microbial antagonisms in lawn grass maintenance - A preventive against Rhizotonia large patch with microbial activities -
Other records with the "Report" Section
Source:Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science. Vol. 18, No. 1, September 1989, p. 9-14.
Publishing Information:Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science
# of Pages:6
Related Web URL:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/turfgrass1972/18/1/18_1_9/_article
    Last checked: 08/05/2013
    Notes: Abstract only
Abstract/Contents:"The result of the experiment certified the effectuality microbial antagonist applied to Rhizoctonia Large Patch broken out in Manilagrass (Zoysia matrella M.) and Japanese lawngrass (Zoysia japonica L. var. duriuscla). (1) In the area where the microbial antagonists were applied after spiking the lawn and then water sprinkling was performed after rubbing it into the lawn grass, the Rhizoctonia infected patches disappeared completely in 16~18 days and the healthy lawn could be recovered. (2) In the area where the microbial antagonists were applied after spiking but no water sprinkling was performed, the patches did not disappear. (3) Some of fluorescent Pseudomonas were, separated from the microbial antagonists. Besides the above, it is probably that there is Siderophore, because color of the lawn in the area where the microbial material was applied has been much deeper than that in the peripheral area with out the microbial material. These two observations shows us that the antagonism of fluorescent Pseudomonas has probably an effectuality against Rhizoctomia Large Patch."
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ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Ikehata, M. 1989. Utlization of microbial antagonisms in lawn grass maintenance - A preventive against Rhizotonia large patch with microbial activities -. (In Japanese) Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science. 18(1):p. 9-14.
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DOI: 10.11275/turfgrass1972.18.9
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    Last checked: 08/05/2013
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