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Author(s):Niu, Genhua; Cabrera, Raul I.; Starman, Terri W.; Hall, Charles R.
Author Affiliation:Niu: AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M System, El Paso; Cabrera: AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M System, Dallas; Starman and Hall: Department of Horticulture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Title:Water conservation team in ornamental crops through the use of alternative irrigation water sources
Source:HortTechnology. Vol. 21, No. 6, December 2011, p. 694-695.
Publishing Information:Alexandria, VA: American Society for Horticultural Science
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Best management practices; Clean Water Act; Drainage water; Drought resistance; Effluent water; Greenhouses; Groundwater; Low maintenance turfgrass species; Non-potable water; Nurseries; Ornamental plants; Population dynamics; Reduced application rates; Salt tolerance; Texas A & M University; Urban habitat; Water resources; Water shortage; Water use legislation
Abstract/Contents:Presents a summary of research conducted by Texas A & M University on alternative irrigation water sources. Explains that water shortages and quality issues, sustained by increasing population growth, creates a potentially unhealthy "competition between urban and agricultural activities" for water resources. Details how green industry initiatives such as nurseries and greenhouses are under pressure to conserve water and minimize fertilizer use. Claims that "water conservation can be achieved by irrigating greenhouse and nursery crops, and landscape plantings with alternative water sources", and that "low maintenance plant species that are drought and salt tolerant would be desirable for green industry." Identifies alternative water sources as reclaimed municipal water, saline groundwater, and agricultural drainage water.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Niu, G., R. I. Cabrera, T. W. Starman, and C. R. Hall. 2011. Water conservation team in ornamental crops through the use of alternative irrigation water sources. HortTechnology. 21(6):p. 694-695.
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DOI: 10.21273/HORTTECH.21.6.694
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    Last checked: 04/30/2020
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    Last checked: 04/30/2020
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