Full TGIF Record # 215388
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Web URL(s):http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/rpr/2000/72231,%20Miami,%20Blair.PDF
    Last checked: 02/15/2013
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Manuscript
Monographic Author(s):Blair, Robert
Monograph Title:Native Biodiversity and Golf Courses in Midwestern Landscapes: USGA Annual Report, 2000.
Publishing Information:[Oxford, Ohio: Miami University]
# of Pages:6
Collation:6 pp.
Related Web URL:http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/ressuml/291.pdf
    Last checked: 04/13/2015
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Abstract/Contents:Purposes and Goals: This project examines the conservation value of golf courses in the Midwestern landscape by focusing on two indicator taxa: birds and butterflies. The Midwest has more land that is directly manipulated by humans than any other region of the country. This pattern of land use presents a challenge to conservation biologists because they cannot rely solely on public lands in their conservation efforts. Golf courses have the potential to play a significant role in overall conservation plans. They may directly provide habitat for specific groups of organisms as they are lush, green parcels of open space. They may also provide buffer zones between developed and natural areas. However, golf courses are also accused of consuming an inordinate amount of freshwater, pesticides, fertilizers, and native habitat. Consequently, some people consider them a wonderful use of land while others consider them detrimental to the landscape. This difference in views often leads to conflict in the public arena that is based on opinion rather than scientific evidence. This project will identify the relative contribution of landscape features within and around golf courses that affect native birds and butterflies and provide some guidance to golf course designers and managers as to how much effort they should devote to working on features within and outside of their course. We expect this project to result in methods for creating and conserving habitat for native biodiversity on golf courses. It will also provide evidence of whether or not golf courses can be a component in larger conservation planning. Methodology: We will determine bird and butterfly distribution and abundance on the six gold courses using scientifically established procedures. Detailed information on the small-scale landscape features within the golf courses, such as types of vegetation, will be collected as well. We will also quantify the proportion of the surrounding landscape occupied by different types of landscape, such as pavement, buildings, and trees. This data will be collected over the course of two years and was begun in May 2000. We will analyze the data collected to determine which landscape features are the best predictors of bird and butterfly distribution and abundance. Results and Importance of Golf Industry: The first year of fieldwork - surveying bird and butterfly species, and vegetation features - is in progress. The principle benefit to the golf course industry of this project will be the development of scientifically defensible, golf-course design guidelines that conserve nature species. These guidelines will be most useful for new golf-course construction but will also provide direction for golf-course managers who are trying to improve conditions on existing courses. The approach taken will identify those features that golf course designers and managers can directly control - such as ponds within the golf course boundaries - as well as those features that they would need to address in the context of the surrounding landscape - such as land use contiguous to the course.
See Also:See also related summary article, "Native biodiversity and golf courses in midwestern landscapes", 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA], 2000, p. 82, R=72231. R=72231
"USGA Annual Report"
"17 Nov. 2000"
Also appears as pp. 442-447 in the USGA Turfgrass Research Committee Reporting Binders for 2000.
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