Full TGIF Record # 215390
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Manuscript
Monographic Corporate Author(s):Xerces Society
Monograph Title:Conservation of Native Pollinators on Golf Courses: [2000 Annual Report], 2000.
Publishing Information:[Portland, Oregon]: The Xerces Society
# of Pages:23
Collation:5, [2], 1-12, 14, 13, 16, 15 pp.
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Apidae
Abstract/Contents:"The Conservation of Native Pollinators on Golf Courses project was begun in the summer of 1997. The aim of this project was to identify how to enrich insect pollinator populations and their habitat in out-of-play areas on golf courses. The project was an outgrowth of the Forgotten Pollinators Campaign, a national conservation effort focused on native pollinators. The project was run of Xerces Society staff in partnership with scientists from the USGA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory in Logan, Utah. The project had three main components: surveys of insects and plants; enrichment of habitat areas with foraging plants and nesting sites; and information about pollinators and their management. Project work was based on the Columbia Basin, east of the Cascade Mountains in northern Oregon and southern Washington. The major portion of the fieldwork was done on three golf courses. Close to each of these golf courses, a reference site was established that provided an area of natural vegetation in which pollinator populations could be compared with those on the courses. These sites also were used as donor sties, from which bees were transferred to enrich the golf course populations. The three golf courses and their reference sites were: Wildhorse Golf Course in Mission, OR (superintendent Sean Hoolehan); reference site was bar M Ranch, Gibbon, OR.; Veterans Memorial Golf Course in Walla Walla, WA (superintendent Joe Towner); reference site was Rooks Park/ Mill Creek, Walla Wall.; Horn Rapids Golf Course in Richland, WA (Director of Golf Nick Rodrigues); reference site was the Arid Lands Ecology preserve, Richland. The cooperation, hard work, and good will of all the superintendents and their staff, and of the owners and managers of the reference sites (Mr. Jerry Baker, US Army Corps of Engineers, and US Fish and Wildlife Service), contributed greatly to the project. The work done during this project has engendered considerable interest within the golf profession, and there is a growing level of involvement by other courses. We have provided information for courses in Colorado and California, including Pebble Beach, and have been invited directly with pollinator conservation on a course at Fallbrook in southern California."
See Also:See also related summary article, "Conservation of native pollinators on golf courses", 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA], 2000, p. 79, R=72228. R=72228
Note:Includes appendix: "Information materials for course superintendents and golfers"; p. [2]
Includes appendix: "Bee stings, and how to avoid them"; p. 15
"Report to the USGA/NFWF Wildlife Links Program"
"October 2000"
Other title: Native Pollinators on Your Golf Course: Guidelines for Creating Habitat for Native bees and Other Pollinator Insects
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