Full TGIF Record # 217290
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Web URL(s):http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/rpr/1987/11897,%20Texas%20A&M, Engelke, zoysia.PDF
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Manuscript
Monographic Author(s):Engelke, M. C.; Quick, Melinda
Author Affiliation:Engelke: Principle Investigator, Turfgrass Breeder and Geneticist; and Quick: Research Assistant, Turfgrass Breeding
Monograph Title:Breeding and Development of Zoysiagrass: Fourth Annual Progress Report, 1987.
Publishing Information:Dallas, Texas: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station - Dallas, Texas A&M University System
# of Pages:23
Collation:iii, 5, [2], 6-8, [10] pp.
Abstract/Contents:"The zoysiagrass breeding program has just started its Fifth year with the Financial Support of the United States Golf Association. Major Regional Field Trails were initiated with cooperators for several states providing comparative evaluation of four experimental DALZ zoysia varieties with four commercially available zoysiagrass cultivars, including 'Meyer', 'Emerald', 'Belair', and 'El Toro'. Additional trials have been established to evaluate sod production potential (Ferris, Texas), and under the Linear Gradient Irrigation System (LGIS) at Texas Agricultural Experiment Station - Dallas to determine water use requirements. A replicated management study will be planted in the Spring 1988 to evaluate the optimum nutritional requirements and influence of mowing height/frequency on turf quality and persistence. The establishment rate of the experimentals show considerable promise, however, the primary reason for their selection is related to the high rhizome production, and their inherent ability to recover following sod harvest, or divot injury. Numerous agronomic and biological characteristics are presently being assessed on the DALZ lines selected during 1985, including shade tolerance (Dallas), salinity tolerance (El Paso), water use requirements (Dallas, and College Station), disease (Dallas, and Carbondale, IL), sod traits (Dallas), nutritional requirements (Missouri), putting quality (Dallas), and general turf adaptation (Arizona, Oklahoma, Illinois, Missouri, California and Dallas). The data base developed through cooperation with Scientists at each of these locations will provide the basis for releasing and recommending the use and distribution of new varieties. Two of the DALZ lines may be increased under foundation field conditions (~ 0.40 ha during 1988) to provide sufficient planting stock for potential release in the early 1990's. Selections have been made from open-cross progeny which were field planted in 1985 without the benefit of irrigation or fertilization. These plants will be advanced into replicated field management/varietal evaluation trials to determine their agronomic strengths. Twenty-seven plants from the Oriental collection have been selected for their seed production potential. Progeny from each of the clones will be evaluated for agronomic traits and seed production to identify superior parental clones for turf quality and seed production potential."
See Also:See also related summary article, "Breeding and development of zoysiagrass", Annual Turfgrass Research Report [USGA/GCSAA], 1987, p. 29, R=11897. R=11897
Note:Includes index; p. iii
Includes appendix; pp. [3-10]
"Jointly Sponsored by: The United States Golf Association and The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station"
"1 November 1987"
"Vol. 87-2Z"
"Research Period: 1 November 1986 to 1 November 1987"
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    Last checked: 03/28/2013
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