Full TGIF Record # 223237
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Moji, Suki; Nagae, Shigemasa
Author Affiliation:Tantoosha [Supervisor]
Title:RC-8602 suiwazai: [Genkai Gorufu Kurabu shibafu hojoo (3/27 - 4/9)]
Translated Title:[RC-8602 wettable powder: Genkai Golf Club lawn (March 27 - April 9)]
Section:Josoozai, seiiku choosetsuzai ni kansuru shiken seiseki (1988-1989)
Other records with the "Josoozai, seiiku choosetsuzai ni kansuru shiken seiseki (1988-1989)" Section

Nihon shokubutsu choosetsuzai kenkyuukai too; Itaku shiken seiseki (1989: Harunatsu)
Other records with the "Nihon shokubutsu choosetsuzai kenkyuukai too; Itaku shiken seiseki (1989: Harunatsu)" Section

Josoozai: Zassoo hasseimae shori
Other records with the "Josoozai: Zassoo hasseimae shori" Section
Translated Section:[Herbicides and growth regulators (1988-1989)]
[Japan Association for Advancement of Phyto-Regulators; Commissioned test results (1989: Spring and Summer)]
[Herbicides: Preemergent weed processing]
Source:Nishinihon Guriin Kenkyuu Hookoku [Research Report of NGRI]. Vol. 21, No. 1, 1990, p. 162-163.
Publishing Information:[Fukuoka, Japan]: Zaidanhoojin Nishinihon Guriin Kenkyuusho [Nishinihon Green Research Institute]
# of Pages:2
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Moji, S., and S. Nagae. 1990. RC-8602 suiwazai: [Genkai Gorufu Kurabu shibafu hojoo (3/27 - 4/9)]. (In Japanese) Nishinihon Guriin Kenkyuu Hookoku [Research Report of NGRI]. 21(1):p. 162-163.
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