Full TGIF Record # 231445
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Web URL(s):http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/rpr/1998/61846,%20OK%20State,%20Taliferro,%20Cold%20hardiness.pdf
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Manuscript
Monographic Author(s):Taliaferro, C. M.; Anderson, Jeffrey A.; Anderson, Michael P.; de los Reyes, Benildo G.; Martin, Dennis L.; Bell, Gregory E.
Author Affiliation:Taliaferro: PI, Plant Breeding and Genetics; Anderson, J: Co-PI, Plant Stress Physiology; Anderson, M: Co-PI, Molecular Genetics; De Los Reyes: Research Assistant; and Martin and Bell: Co-PI, Turfgrass Science
Monograph Title:Bermudagrass Cold Hardiness: Characterization of Plants for Freeze Tolerance and Characterization of Low Temperature-Induced Genes: [1998 Annual Progress Report], 1998.
Publishing Information:[Stillwater, Okalahoma]: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University
# of Pages:18
Collation:11, [7] pp.
Abstract/Contents:"Injury to bermudagrass turf caused by freezing temperatures during winter is a persistent problem over much of its geographic area of use in the USA. This research seeks to reduce risk of freeze injury to bermudagrass grown in temperate regions. The research focuses on accurately assessing the freeze tolerance of bermudagrass cultivars, isolating genes responsible for enhanced freeze tolerance, and enhancing knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms associated with cold hardiness. Specific objectives are to: 1) quantifying cold-hardiness of advanced breeding lines, recently released varieties, and established standard varieties and 2) isolate and characterize cold regulated (Cor) genes responsible for conferring freeze tolerance. Experiments were initiated to determine the low temperature tolerance (LT50) of turf bermudagrasses using laboratory based methodology. The LT50 values will be determined sequentially for selected bermudagrasses in each of four groups. The groups are: 1) vegetatively-propagated fairway types, 2) seeded fairway types, 3) vegetatively-propagated putting green types, and 4) experimental fairway breeding lines. Experiments with the vegetatively-propagated fairway types are underway. Substantial progress has been made toward the goal of isolating and characterizing cold regulated (Cor) genes. A Cynodon genomic library was constructed from Midiron[,] C. dactylon x C. transvaalenis, turf bermudagrass. Screening the library using a 300-bp cDNA bermudagrass clone provided by Mr. Stephen McMaugh from the University of Sydney, Australia, identified nine putative chitinase genes. Sequencing and homology studies completed for three of the clones provided strong evidence that they are indeed chitinase genes, which we designate as CynCht-1, CynCht-2 and CynCht-3. We expect other of the clones to also be chitinase genes. Northern blot analyses indicated chitinase gene expression in Midiron, Uganda, and MSU turf bermudagrasses to be strongly affected by acclimation temperatures (4-8°C). Substantial increases (75-100%) in gene activity in crown root tissues were proportional to the LT50's and ploidy levels of the three cultivars. Cold acclimation for 28 days caused an approximate three-fold increase in chitinase gene activity in leaves of Midiron and Uganda, but has little effect on MSU. Leaves of MSU remained relatively green during the 28 day acclimation, while those of Midiron and Uganda strongly senesced. Different Cor gene regulatory mechanisms may be involved in leaf and crown/root tissues."
See Also:See also related summary article "Bermudagrass cold hardiness: Characterization of plants for freeze tolerance and character of low temperature-induced genes" 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA], 1998, p. 42, R=61846. R=61846
Note:Also appears as pp. 214-231 in the USGA Turfgrass Research Committee Reporting Binders for 1998.
"Annual Progres Report"
"For the Period 1 February 1998 - 31 October 1998"
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