Full TGIF Record # 232329
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Material Type:Book; Catalog
Monographic Corporate Author(s):Arthur D. Peterson Company Inc.
Monograph Title:The Peterson Catalog and Turf Manual, 1936.
Publishing Information:New York, New York: Arthur D. Peterson Company Inc.
# of Pages:48
Collation:48 pp.
See Also:See also later edition, 1939, R=232330. R=232330
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"A booklet on the establishment and culture of cool-season turfgrasses on golf courses, sport fields, and lawns. It includes short articles on golf architecture by A.W. Tillinghast, J.R. van Kleek, H. Strong, R.T. Jones, and A.H. Tull. The back portion consists of a catalog of chemicals and equipment, including interesting photographs. The following is from the booklet:

Each year finds a steady increase in the number of golf clubs installing fairway watering systems, and it is safe to predict that this interest will continue. The coming season will see ten public golf courses in the City of New York, as well as four State-owned courses on Long Island with full fairway irrigation, and it is only natural that the private clubs will endeavor to give their players all the advantages enjoyed by the public-links player. Many direct benefits are secured by fairway irrigation, such as more uniform playing conditions throughout the season; the avoidance of play over dusty, sun-baked ground in mid-Summer; perfect lies for brassy shots at all times; prevention of loss of grass plants during drought; better germination of new seeding; quicker healing of divots and greater benefit from applications of fertilizer. The natural beauty of the course is maintained throughout the season, where fairway irrigation has been installed. Cost is the first question that arises in the minds of the green committee, when the subject of watering fairways is suggested. A full 18-hole fairway irrigation system may cost from $10,000 to $25,000, depending upon the available water supply, texture of soil, and the layout of the course." p. 462
Beard Section Heading:Specialty turfgrass books/monographs: Private company-related turfgrass publications
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Arthur D. Peterson Company Inc. 1936. The Peterson Catalog and Turf Manual. 48 pp. New York, New York: Arthur D. Peterson Company Inc.
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