Full TGIF Record # 267175
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Web URL(s):https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2015am/webprogram/Handout/Paper92487/CSSA%20Poster%20%20late%20season%20N%20leaching%20Petrovic%2011-9-2015.pdf
    Last checked: 11/20/2015
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Presentation
Author(s):Petrovic, A. Martin; Barlow, Jeffery
Author Affiliation:Barlow: Horticulture; Petrovic: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Title:Cool season nitrogen fate in cool season turfgrass as affected by temperature and evapotranspiration rate
Section:C05 turfgrass science
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Turfgrass science: II
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Meeting Info.:Minneapolis, Minnesota: November 15-18, 2015
Source:ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2015, p. 92487.
Publishing Information:[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy and the Entomological Society of America]
# of Pages:1
Related Web URL:https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2015am/webprogram/Paper92487.html
    Last checked: 11/20/2015
    Notes: Abstract only
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Agrostis stolonifera; Cool season turfgrasses; Evapotranspiration rate; Fertilizer evaluation; Fine fescues; Growth factors; Nitrogen fate; Poa annua; Poa pratensis; Temperature response
Abstract/Contents:"A series of experiments conducted on 4 turfgrass species (Kentucky and annual bluegrass, creeping bentgrass and fine fescue),established in sand, fertilized with unlimited soluble N and were subjected to a range of evapotranspiration (ET) rates and temperatures (10-0 C) typically observed in late fall period (October through January). The amount of N sequestered by the turfgrass along with the amount of leachable N was determined. As temperature decreased from 10-0 C, there was a corresponding linear increase in N leaching. As ET rates dropped, N leaching also increased."
"Poster Number 802"
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ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Petrovic, A. M., and J. Barlow. 2015. Cool season nitrogen fate in cool season turfgrass as affected by temperature and evapotranspiration rate. Agron. Abr. p. 92487.
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    Last checked: 11/20/2015
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