Full TGIF Record # 273217
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Author(s):Yin, Shao-hua; Lu, Xin-shi; Han, Lie-bao
Author Affiliation:Turfgrass Institute, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; Yin: School of Horticulture and Forestry, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
Title:Physical property of different golf green rootzone soil mixtures and its effect on turfgrass growth
Source:[Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. Vol. 17, No. 3, May 2009, p. 358-364.
Publishing Information:[Beijing, China]: [Zhongguo Xue Shu Qi Kan (Guang Pan Ban) Dian Zi Za Zhi She]
# of Pages:7
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Agrostis stolonifera; Bulk density; Capillary porosity; Golf greens; Greens mix; Particle size; Physical properties of the root zone mix; Saturated hydraulic conductivity
Cultivar Names:Penncross
Abstract/Contents:"The physical property of thirteen golf green rootzone soil mixtures varying in particle size distribution and peat ratio and its effect on turfgrass growth of 'penncross' bentgrass were tested. Only three out of the thirteen soil mixtures conformed to the USGA particle size distribution specifications.The results are as follows: bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of pure sandy mixtures increased compared with peaty soil, while total and capillary porosity decreased. When peat ratio exceeded 5%, even if the rates of silt and clay (<0.05 mm) were very small, the Ksat value of mixtures did not meet the USGA minimum threshold of 150 mm per hour. The physical properties of pure sandy mixtures with particle size distribution out of the acceptable range of USGA specifications were still up to the mustard of USGA specifications if the rates of silt and clay in mixtures were very small. The range of USGA particle size distribution might be properly broaden. Compared to the peaty soil mixtures, turf establishment was slower, total clipping yields was poorer, and turf green returning was earlier on the pure sandy rootzone mixtures; the aboveground biomass were less in early growth season, but had no significant differences in late growth season; the underground biomass had no significant differences in early growth season, but was more in late growth season; the visual turf quality was worse in early growth season, but the differences was decreased in late growth season."
Note:Abstract also appears in English
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Yin, S.-h., X.-s. Lu, and L.-b. Han. 2009. Physical property of different golf green rootzone soil mixtures and its effect on turfgrass growth. (In Chinese) [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. 17(3):p. 358-364.
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    Last checked: 07/08/2016
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