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Web URL(s): | https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/118635 Last checked: 11/27/2019 Requires: JavaScript |
Publication Type:
| Report |
Content Type: | Abstract or Summary only |
Author(s): | Minaev, Nikolay;
McCurdy, James D.;
Tomaso-Peterson, Maria;
Stewart, Barry R.;
Chesser, Daniel;
Lowe, Wes |
Author Affiliation: | Minaev: Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; McCurdy: Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; Tomaso-Peterson: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; Stewart: Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS; Chesser: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; Lowe: Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS |
Title: | Harvest aids for improved bermudagrass sod shelf-life and transplantation success |
Section: | C05 turfgrass science Other records with the "C05 turfgrass science" Section
Turf ecology and management oral I: Physiology, irrigation, and abiotic stress (includes student competition) Other records with the "Turf ecology and management oral I: Physiology, irrigation, and abiotic stress (includes student competition)" Section
Meeting Info.: | San Antonio, Texas: November 10-13, 2019 |
Source: | ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2019, p. 118635. |
Publishing Information: | [Madison, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America] |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Azoxystrobin; Cynodon dactylon x Cynodon transvaalensis; Fluopyram + Trifloxystrobin; Fungicide evaluation; Growth regulator evaluation; Harvesting; Plant extracts; Pyraclostrobin + Fluxapyroxad; Sod shelf life; Sod transplanting; Trinexapac-ethyl
Cultivar Names: | Latitude 36 |
Abstract/Contents: | "Research evaluated effects of several commercially available fungicides, a bio-nutritional plant extract, and a commonly used plant growth regulator on sod shelf-life and transplantation success. Field studies were conducted in 2018 and 2019 on 'Latitude 36' hybrid Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × C. transvaalensis). Research was conducted as a randomized complete block design (4 blocks). Experimental units were 1 × 3 m. Treatments applied 25 and 4 days prior to harvest included: the experimental bio-nutritional plant extract ACA-3434 (9.6 L ha-1), fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin (257 + 513 g ai ha-1), fluopyram + trifloxystrobin (163 + 264 g ha-1), azoxystrobin (610 g ha-1), and trinexapac-ethyl (96 g ha-1). Post installation, fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin was applied immediately after sod installation and again 22 days later. These treatments and a non-treated check were stored at ambient field temperature (28 °C average). A non-treated check was also stored at 4°C. Sod was harvested (4 cm depth), stacked to a height of 12 layers, and stored for 72 hours. Sod was then installed on an adjacent prepared native soil. Treatment effects on bermudagrass transplantation were assessed visually and by spectral reflectance. Root samples (two 10 cm diameter, 10 cm depth plugs per experimental unit) from the refrigerated or non-treated checks, as well as from pre- and post-applied fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin treatments, were analyzed 2, 5, and 8 weeks after installation. Data were subject to ANOVA (α=0.05). Means were separated by adjusted 95% confidence limits. In 2018, refrigeration and pre-applied fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin treatments resulted in higher NDVI, RVI, and relative chlorophyll values, 1 and 4 days after installation (DAI), relative to the non-treated. By 14 DAI, there were no differences in vegetative indexes that year. Pre-applied fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin treatment increased root dry-mass relative to the non-treated check when assessed 8 weeks after treatment. In 2019, refrigeration, pre-applied fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin, and fluopyram + trifloxystrobin resulted in higher NDVI values, 1 DAI, relative to the non-treated." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | This item is an abstract only! "131-2" |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Minaev, N., J. D. McCurdy, M. Tomaso-Peterson, B. R. Stewart, D. Chesser, and W. Lowe. 2019. Harvest aids for improved bermudagrass sod shelf-life and transplantation success. Agron. Abr. p. 118635. |
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