Full TGIF Record # 315470
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Web URL(s):https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/turfgrass/40/2/40_137/_article/-char/en
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    Last checked: 10/11/2021
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Ando, Kouichi; Kato, Masahiro
Title:The relationship between mineral concentration, electric conductibility and pH values in the late fall dew water on the two creeping bentgrass cultivars' turf
Section:Short report
Other records with the "Short report" Section
Source:Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science. Vol. 40, No. 2, March 31 2012, p. 137-140.
Publishing Information:Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science
# of Pages:4
Abstract/Contents:"The additional effects of matrix modifiers on the measurement of the mineral elements in late fall dew on two creeping bentgrass cultivars by atomic spectrometry method were observed. The calcium carbonate as matrix modifier for the determination of potassium (K) showed higher values than without modifier. The lanthanum chloride as matrix modifiers for the determination of calcium (Ca) showed significantly higher values than without modifier. The lanthanum chloride as matrix modifiers for the determination of magnesium (Mg) showed no effects on them. However, all of mineral concentration in the dew water of Penncross was higher than CY-2. The co-relationship between electric conductibility values (EC) and all mineral concentration values with matrix modifiers showed significantly high."
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Ando, K., and M. Kato. 2012. The relationship between mineral concentration, electric conductibility and pH values in the late fall dew water on the two creeping bentgrass cultivars' turf. (In Japanese) Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science. 40(2):p. 137-140.
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DOI: 10.11275/turfgrass.40.2_137
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    Last checked: 10/11/2021
    Last checked: 10/11/2021
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