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Web URL(s):https://turf.caes.uga.edu/content/dam/caes-subsite/georgiaturf/docs/FieldDayGuide2018.pdf#page=48
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Jespersen, David
Author Affiliation:Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences, UGA-Griffin
Title:Tools for understanding turfgrass plant health
Section:Afternoon self-guided tour
Other records with the "Afternoon self-guided tour" Section
Meeting Info.:UGA Griffin Campus: August 9, 2018
Source:2018 Turfgrass Research Field Day [Georgia]. 2018, p. 48.
Publishing Information:Griffin, Georgia: The University of Georgia
# of Pages:1
Abstract/Contents:Understanding the plant health and environmental factors that influence plant performance is essential to managing high-value turf areas. Various tools and technologies are available to assist turf managers by helping them assess plants and their environments. These tools can be used for the measurement of leaf chlorophyll, canopy temperature, overall canopy quality and greenness, and important environmental factors such as light and soil moisture, all of which influence plant performance. Effectively using these tools may help turf managers better understand the grasses theyre growing and how to adjust inputs for optimal performance.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Jespersen, D. 2018. Tools for understanding turfgrass plant health. Turf Field Day. p. 48.
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